Ada Johnson's P. O. V
It doesn't take too long for the happy couple to hightail it out of there as if the hounds of hell are chasing after them. I watch them go with a smile on my face which grows even bigger as I look down at the baby who's too consumed in chewing on her own hand like it's the best tasting thing in the world.
I bend down onto the little mat that Elissa lies on, my knees cracking slightly causing the little girl to tilt her head at the sound as she struggles to sit up. Helping the baby up, I prop her on my lap instead as I start to make funny faces at her. The baby's two front teeth on clear display as she giggles with drool dribbling down her mouth and onto her bib that takes up most of her flowery patterned pink dress.
"Who's Ada's cute baby?" I coo to the child that seems to have taken a liking to me from the previous meeting as she bounces up and down on my lap, starting to babble away for all she's worth.
"This man right here is." Gregory's voice reaches the both of us, the man seeming none too pleased as he squats down besides me, eyeing the baby with a glare.
A snort escapes me as I raise a mocking eyebrow, "You're not jealous of a ten month old, now are you?" I taunt as I let the baby in question continue her jumping madness. The man in front of me who's just as much a baby as the one in my arms, grumbles further under his breath before leaning in close and pressing his lips against mine in a searing kiss. A low groan leaves me as I kiss back, about to get lost in my emotions when Elissa's babble starts up again along with her jumping. Pulling away from Greg, I glare at him as I let Elissa down who happily crawls out of my lap and back onto the matt.
"No kissing in front of the baby." I chide to him as I go to sit up, a squeal leaving my lips instead as I'm pulled onto Greg's lap.
"Why the fuck not? What's she going to remember?" He grunts as if I just said the most stupidest thing in the world. My jaw drops as I go to hit him lightly, Greg see's it coming as he manoeuvres around my smack and grabs a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers smoothly.
"No swearing in front of the baby either." I say with a huff which earns me an eye roll along with a swift kiss on my nose. "Trust me, she won't remember anything. I barely remember things from when I was ten." He says with a shrug while I scoff at his words.
"You barely remember anything now. I have to keep running after you in the office to get done on time." I remind him, once again, as he considers my words before nodding since they are true.
"Can't argue with you there. Now come on. Get that pretty little ass in the shower and get dressed." He says as he pulls me up and then planting a swift pat on my behind while a shocked gasp leaves my mouth.
"You're starting to get bold aren't you?" I ask rather haughtily as I cross my arms over my chest, the man in front of me not catching on since his eyes lower down from my face till they land perfectly on my raised chest due to the position. My eyes rolling and the sigh parting my lips grabs his attention as he raises his eyes with a sheepish grin, casually scratching the back of his neck with a shrug.
"You can't blame me now. It's out of my control." He says with a teasing grin, grabbing onto my crossed arms and pulling me into him till I can only be mobilised by wrapping my arms around his torso which re returns likewise. "Also, I wouldn't be acting so high and mighty." He teases even more while I frown at his words.
What on earth does he mean?
Voicing my question aloud gets me a soft giggle from the man in my arms causing my own laugh to ensue at the other baby in the room, this one a giant and much much older than the ten month old who's distracted by the flickering television. "Let's just say I'm not the only one who's starting to get bold." He announces, placing a kiss to the crown of my head and then stepping away to grab a disgruntled Elissa who was enjoying the random show that was playing. My eyes divert to the television, a gasp leaving me as I reach for the remote and turn it off just as a man's head gets lobbed off with a sword.

RomanceStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...