Chapter 24

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

My eyes continuously drop down to the small child nestled in Gregory's arm before raising back up to the man himself who stands there with a panicky expression. Bright blue eyes blazing with an unconcealed fear as his blond hair lies mussed up in all different directions. The baby gurgles as I take in doe shaped eyes coloured a beautiful hazy grey. Chubby cheeks and a button nose framed by striking jet black hair which creates a contrast against the small child's pale skin with freckles smattered over the baby's nose and cheeks. Donned in a light pink dress, the sight of the small girl almost makes me smile.

"Thank God you're here." The man snaps me from my raging thoughts as I raise my own eyebrow in question. A flurry of emotions run through me as I reassess the entire situation in my mind. Gregory called me over frantically and I show up on his doorstep only to see a miniature human being in his arms.

Did the man get someone pregnant and only find out he has a child just now?

Okay maybe I'm watching too many soap operas.

Gregory steps to the side as the baby starts to wriggle around in his arms, he huffs and props the child up further as I hesitantly step in. Turning around once again, I let out a sigh as almost immediately I get a mouthful of hair as Greg stuffs the baby into my hands.

"Ada, this is Ellisa. Elissa this is Ada." My once rigid stance melts away almost immediately as the baby's eyes peer into mine. My love for children of all ages overcomes my blazing thoughts of Gregory frolicking around with some woman. Even though I shouldn't even be thinking about that. It's definitely not like we were making out at some random club less than twenty four hours ago.

"Hello pretty girl." I coo to the child as she responds to my high pitched voice, Ellisa smiling back at me as she sticks her fingers in her mouth, practically gurgling with delight as she lightly bounces in my arms. Bringing her into my chest, I gaze up at Gregory with wide eyes and a smile on my face.

"I already love her." I whisper to him as an equally charming grin slides onto his own face. Too consumed in my own thoughts of who this baby potentially belongs to, I only then realise the man in front of me looks utterly haggard. He looks the worst I've ever seen him but it still looks like he's a model straight off of the runway as he stands there in light grey sweatpants that cling to his hips and a tight fitting white v- neck t shirt to match. The man pads around me barefoot as he slams the front door closed before wincing as he worriedly peers over to Ellisa who seems entirely content with playing with my hair up in that messy ponytail up do.

Running a hand down his face, Greg ruffles his hair further with his other hand as it drapes over his eyes. Sighing, he leans against the door and lets out a loud groan.

"I'm sorry for calling you over so early but I woke up an hour ago myself. My friend's just showed up randomly and needed me to take care of their daughter because they had to rush somewhere and well here I am," Gregory explains before explaining further in a rush, "I would have looked after her myself but this is the first time I've been left alone with her and I've barely had any sleep. I don't want to mess up." The usually happy go lucky man seems stressed out beyond belief while all the pent up stress that I've been feeling since the moment I woke up leaves my own body.

"Oh thank God." I mumble as I bounce the baby up and down distractedly in my arms, not even realising I've said it out loud as Gregory looks on at me with curiosity. I clamp my lips down tightly before heading further into Gregory's house, taking in the light accented walls with darker furniture scattered around. Two comfortable looking sofas facing each other with a rug laid down underneath them, a coffee table perched on top with a huge smart flat screen tv on blaring some kids show that seems a bit too above the child's age group.

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