Chapter 36

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

With jittering nerves and shaky hands, another pile of papers is deposited onto Gregory's secretory's desk. Jamie raises a dark brow at me as she takes me in from head to toe, scanning each and every article of clothing while delving deeper into my facial expression as she then furrows both her brow.

"You feeling okay darling?" She coo's in her motherly tone while I nod my head enthusiastically. Not sure if I'm trying to convince her or myself I'm regards to my state of well being. Trying to place a smile onto my face, I ignore how it comes out shaky and just hope for the best. Instead, I'm met with an unamused expression as the woman goes into mother mode and immediately lurches up from her seat. Before I can even get a word in edgeways, I'm being grasped onto by the crook of my arm while she lugs me down the hall and into the first room that greats us with the door wide open.

It barely registers within me that we have stepped foot into the photocopying room, the place void of people with the only things being present are the few chairs scattered inside along with a half dying plant and the huge machine that is currently barely working properly leading to mist of us having to go down a level so that we could use theirs.

Closing the door firmly, Jamie turns to me, worry plastered all over her face as she steps closer to me and putting both her hands on my face to assess me all over. "Don't say you're fine Ada. You look like you've seen a ghost. Look at you," she mumbles as she raises my shaking hands, "You're shaking like a leaf." Jamie tries to steady my hands while I take in deep breaths, wanting to calm myself down.

"I'm just being over dramatic Jamie. Trust me." I want to speak aloud in a bold and confident voice, however, my voice comes out as shaky as my hands and cracks in the middle.

After that phone call, I thought I'd be able to handle it. Giving the entire thing time will help. Time heals all wounds doesn't it? Wrong.

The longer the time went by, the more fried my  nerves became till not even I could think about the situation before I started to freak out why led me this stage. Stupidly enough, I thought focusing on my internship and getting back to work would help me. Regardless of how busy the day has been, I can't escape the nagging at the back of my mind not the swirling pit embedded dip into my stomach.

"No you're not Ada. If you don't want to tell me  that's fine but just try to relax." The woman tries to assure me, getting me to mimic her deep intakes of breaths followed by a deep exhale. Soon enough my mind clears up and I feel much more relaxed than before. However, my jittery hands still continue to tremble for reasons unbeknownst to me. "It's better than no-,"

I frown at the door opening, Jamie's own facial features crunching up as she gets ready to yell the hell out of the person standing in the door way but instead clamps down on her mouth as we both take in our boss standing in the door way. Gregory himself looks taken off guard as he switches his gaze from me to Jamie and then quickly back again, his lips parting before he shuts them as he takes in the scene in front of him.

I don't get a change to speak up as his eyes zero in on my hands clasped in Jamie's, the many sauntering forward in the next second with worry running amuck on his face.

"I've got this under control Jamie. I'll handle it." He says with no room for disruption to the woman who pauses, giving me a quick once over before nodding and sending me an encouraging smile. Once she walks out of the room with the door firmly shut behind her does Greg turn his attention to me.

"You okay baby?" He ushers softly, not giving me chance to reply as he pulls me into his arms, a swift kiss being placed on the crown of my head as I wrap my own arms around him. "I'm fine." I mumble back, nuzzling my head into him while also dispelling all thoughts of appropriate workplace behaviour. Gregory holds me in his arms for a few minutes, not breaking the silence until I pull back, his blue eyes shining with worry as he cups the side of my face, placing a soft kiss on my lips which have me sighing out in relief. Loving the taste of his lips against my own.

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