Ada Johnson's P. O. V
A sheepish smile is passed to the two men in front of me as I look passed them and over to where I think I can see the outline of Gregory and Eva. For some reason, a vicious feeling forms in the pit of my stomach as my eyes locate them in the dark flashing lights, I can't make out their facial expressions, just their clothes as they stand close to each other as Eva's mouth moves to indicate she's speaking.
I chew on my lip before standing up, deciding to alleviate the need to pee since I couldn't go when Gregory- let's just say he interrupted me. That's a better wording for what he actually did. Slamming me up against the wall and kissing the life out of me doesn't sound too classy, especially when it's in the middle of a nightclub.
"I'll be back in a bit." I say to no one in particular as the two of them are too invested in their own conversation. My movement is slow at first but then speeds up as the sensation in my bladder alerts me to the fact that I need to get my butt into gear otherwise I'm about to have a very messy accident indeed. Gently pushing passed people with several 'excuse me's' here and there, I finally manage to wedge myself out of the dance floor and into the small corridor that leads towards the toilets.
Just as I'm about to head in their direction, I throw a worried glance back over my shoulder just in case Eva and Greg are at each others throats. My frown deepens as Gregory looks up at just that moment as Eva flits passed him, both of our eyes connecting as a somber expression corrupts his beautiful face. His bottom lip pulled into his mouth as the various multicoloured lights throw shadows over his face, distorting my sight to what he really looks like.
Maybe he only looks so despondent because of the lights. I'm sure whatever Eva's said to him is just stupid sibling annoyance.
I get snapped out of my thoughts as the urge to pee increases drastically and I find myself tearing my gaze from him as I rush to the toilet to relive myself. It takes me less than a few minutes before I find my self drying my hands on a paper towel while critically analysing my appearance for any smudge lipstick stains or out of place hair. Finding nothing too wrong with my appearance, I decide to leave the confines of the toilet, passing a smile to one of the girls who smiles back at me.
The outside continues on with its theme of dim lighting as I walk passed the door but get the fright of my life as someone grabs onto my arm. The shriek that escapes my mouth is cut off as my lips clamp down on themselves when I realise who is actually holding onto my arm.
Twice in one day.
What are the odds?
"Ada," Gregory says in an odd tone of voice as I turn to him with a raised brow before dropping my gaze to my arm, indicating for him to let go. It's not like I'm going to run away from him or anything.
He doesn't seem to get the hint as he tugs me further along till we're not standing directly in front of the toilets but rather in a quiet nook where no one can disturb us. I mean if someone does intend to be nosy and look in here, they will get the wrong sense of the situation. Maybe kick us out for that but who knows.
"Is something the matter?" I question when he doesn't say anything for a little while, his eyes glued to the ground as he seems too invested into his thoughts. "Gregory?" I question further as I take a step back, starting to get worried at this sudden change of mood. He looks up once more as he lets out a sigh, stepping further towards me as he frowns deeper.
"I'm sorry."
My lips part and this time it's me mirroring his expression, "For what exactly?" His words confuse me as he shrugs and runs a hand through his hair, stepping back and leaning his head against the dark painted wall.

RomanceStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...