Ada Johnson's P. O. V
My shoulders slump further as each passing minute goes by. My eyes knowingly catching all the flirtatious gazes and subtle touches as the people in front of me flirt their time away, almost as if they couldn't go without it.
I hate myself for feeling this way since I know it's not their fault and both of them can do as they feel. Nonetheless I find difficulty in trying to mask my face into a neutral expression, the pout trying its best to work its way onto my lips. I don't even realise that Brice is trying to capture my attention until his rather deep voice cuts sharply through my thoughts.
"Have you fallen asleep with your eyes open Ada?" My eyes automatically start to blink rapidly at the thought as a sheepish smile makes its way onto my face.
"Sorry about that," leaning in towards him, I drop my voice lower, "I'm just a bit tired." My eyes flit to Gregory to see if he heard, wanting the outcome to come to anything but that since I don't want the man thinking I'm good for literally nothing and deciding he'd be better off with someone else as his intern. The man in front of me gives me a sly smile as his eyes flicker towards Gregory.
"He does work people to the bone. I have to admit. But I'll make sure he goes easy on you. Don't you worry your pretty little head." Brice coaxes while I vehemently shake my head.
That's just me asking for a silver platter to be handed over to me.
However I don't answer quick enough as at that moment, Greg's head turns towards us. Blond flecks of hair dangling into his eyes as he reaches one hand up and shoves the strands back. "Whose pretty little head?" Is all he asks while I nearly groan audibly in annoyance.
I've been wanting the man to give the rest of us his attention since the past ten minutes but he's been too focused on Chrissie. The one moment where I'd rather him make goo goo eyes at her, the man gives us his attention.
The world really does work in mysterious ways.
"Nothing. No ones head." I rush out quickly, not wanting Brice to say anything that I know I'll regret if I didn't stop him. For some reason the thought of Greg finding out that I'm tired on just one day of work makes me want to head towards the nearest window so that I can unlock it and take a dive straight down to the ground fifty floors below.
That'll give me peace of mind I'm sure.
Brice lets out a short chuckle as he shakes his head at my garbled words, "We were just talking about Ada." He says with a shrug while I send him a thankful look which he returns with an equally kind smile. Charles doesn't seem to really understand what's going on and I don't think he wants to as he's too busy being submerged into his phone. Tapping away here and there with a goofy smile hanging at his lips.
The sight enough to cause you to want to smile as well.
"What about Ada?" Greg questions nonchalantly as he turns his body so that he now faces the rest of us, the warmth from him leg now pressing into mine and I try my best not to relax and lean into him nor yank it away.
I wonder what will gain more attention.
"Nothing at all. Nope." I splutter out, my eyes catching that of Chrissie who looks towards me with a curious expression on her face, eyebrow raised in question. "It's getting late. Lunch has nearly ended. I should get back to those files." I answer quickly while Brice nods in agreement as he checks his wristwatch, brown eyes widening almost comically as he catches how fast the time has flown. We all stand up as Charles finally puts his phone away, a sheepish smile on his face as he looks up and notices how they all give him incredulous stares.

RomanceStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...