Ada Johnson's P. O. V
A low humming sound travels throughout the empty apartment as Gregory and I enter throwing the threshold. My keys in hand, I make sure to sweep my eyes over the entirety of my living room and exposed kitchen to see if there is any sign of Sam being home. When my gaze lands on the empty bowl where our keys usually lay, I realise she indeed isn't in the house considering the keys to her motorbike aren't present.
Opening the door wider for Greg to enter, I let him close it behind us as the humming increases; the fridge seeming all too content with letting out an unsettling sign which I hope doesn't mean it's two minutes away from a breakdown. If that does happen, it won't take too long for me to follow with my own mental breakdown since a new fridge is a luxury I cannot afford.
Maybe a swift kick in the side will let it shut up and I can pretend like everything isn't just about falling apart in this rundown apartment of mine.
"You can just chill out on the sofa while I change quickly." Thankfully, I managed to sneak in a quick shower so now I felt as good as new except for the change of clothes I needed to get into before heading off to work. The quick shift not going to hassle me much since it was at Denise's and she probably won't even let me set foot in the shop if she knew Gregory was planning on taking me out for a date afterwards.
The man is like an angel on earth since he wouldn't let me go home on my own. Practically begging me to let him drop me back home, only to let me get changed so that he could drop me back off to work. He even so kindly said I could come back home to change for the date if I didn't want to get all dressed up to go to work in that state and could be comfortable. The chivalry exuding off of that man making me fall deeper and deeper so hard and fast that I can't even comprehend how it's happening.
Not that I'm complaining.
I enter into my room while I let the man do as he pleases back in the living room. Grabbing a simple yet fresh pair of jeans and a shirt, I throw them on my bed while I rummage through my drawers for some clean underwear. The door to my bedroom opens and I see him propped against the frame, a black clothing bag in hand as he dangles it in front of me.
I don't even have to ask him what it is since I can already see Eva's clothing logo embossed on the front, standing out in bright colours against the obviously dark black.
"I found this laying on the sofa so I thought I'd bring it in." He says simply while heading to my bed and placing it flat on the surface. I smile in thanks before heading over to where he is, hands on my hips as I debate on whether to open it in front of him or not.
I know its some sort of formal clothing to wear to the office or so she usually claims. Some of the pieces she sends me are something I'd only where to a club, that too if I'm feeling risky. Apparently Eva's night out clothes and formal attire are the same thing.
I just hope it's the latter and not the former.
Glancing between Greg and the pile of plastic, I let out a sigh before deciding to open it up to see what I've got lying in wait for me. Leaning down, I grasp the zip and tug at it till it parts the teeth all the way, my own eyebrows raising when I catch sight of the contents within. What I definitely wasn't expecting is a simple one colour pantsuit. The attire consisting of a pair of high waisted smart pants, an almost silk blouse in the colour white to go with the blazer on top that matches the colours of the pants.
"Yes!" Comes an ecstatic voice from besides me which causes me to nearly jump a foot in the air. Placing a hand on my hammering heart, I turn my head to glance at a happy looking Greg as he smiles straight back at me.
"What is it?" I question, my voice slightly exasperated from the sudden fright which leaves me more or less shaken up a bit.
"You're definitely wearing that to the office next time." He announces like its final while I raise a questioning brow.

RomanceStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...