Ada Johnson's P. O. V
The anticipation from last time, I had deduced to be a one time thing but oh no. That appears to be a misunderstanding on my own part since the thought of me meeting my relatives once more leaves me feeling on edge so to say. My aunt and her soon to be husband do appear to be quite lovely people, not just from or short once encounter but more so from the vibe they seemed to emit. Although that does sometimes leave people astray, I can't really bring myself to hate on the old woman that genuinely seems eager and delighted to get to know me, her own niece.
"You ready to go?" Greg's voice reaches me while the man himself situates himself in front of the bathroom mirror, running a hand through his hair to 'perfectly tousle the delicate strands of blond hair,' his words and most definitely not mine.
"If I'm not ready by now, I'm afraid you'll have to drag me kicking and screaming." I answer back while slipping into some shoes. For some reason, I decided to make us both dress up semi casual and by that I mean I made Gregory wear a light blue button up shirt with some jeans while I wore a dress I had brought with me once awhile back to Greg's house and then simply forgot to take back. However, I do have a sinking suspicion that Greg keeps a few articles of my clothing for his personal gain and doesn't make much of an effort to remind me to take the random clothes here and there.
Girlfriend's are known for taking their boyfriend's hoodies but nope, my boyfriend decides to take his girlfriend's dresses.
To each their own, I guess.
"Oh come on Ada, the woman wouldn't hurt a fly let alone do anything to shake you up. She seems really nice," Greg certifies as he comes out of the bathroom while giving me a little twirl. I can't help but to laugh at his antics even when I really want to scold him.
"The woman calls you lovely one time and you're already infatuated with her." I joke as I step towards him, unable to hold myself back from pressing my lips to his in a soft and groan invoking kiss.
"Don't worry Ada. You'll always be my girl," he says with the cheesiest grin known to man followed by a sultry wink, "Please she's not my type. I mean the Mrs. might have been a foxy lady back in her youth and prime but I just don't fly that way."
"What am I going to do with you?" I say with a groan, throwing my head back while Gregory snickers along at his own words like he's made the greatest joke ever.
"You can have your wicked ways with me if you please. I will be completely at your mercy. Tie me up, gag me, spank me. All you'll hear from me is 'yes ma'am.'" If my jaw could have dropped any lower, it would be caressing the cold tiled ground right now as Gregory presses his lips to my frozen self before sauntering out of the room with an extra sway added to his hips.
Someone please do tell me what to do with this not so grown man.
"Let's just go and have some tea. You do like tea and biscuits and other things that go with tea so that's a plus. Just keep focused on that and you'll be fine. This will be a breeze." My pep talk that I give myself is nothing more than utter bullshit but I repeat it to myself a few times before I hear the tell tale sign of an impatient boyfriend yelling at me to get my ass into gear and to start moving.
"I'm coming!" I yell back but twice as loud since Greg chooses to have selective hearing with certain things. Walking down the stairs and over to an awaiting Gregory who holds the door open for me, I send him a quick thanks and then slip easily into the car with the keys I grabbed out of the way. Of course Greg forgot to catch them and was going to leave the house without the car keys but it's like I'm already adapted to all his habits, odd quirks and all, and have managed to work my way around them.

Storie d'amoreStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...