Ada Johnson's P. O. V
"Here are the files Jamie, as requested." I chirp as I place the stack of folders onto her desk, the woman still typing away at her computer as she does God knows what on it. Jamie barely lifts her eyes from the lighted screen as she taps at the other side of her desk where I notice another pile of files stacked higher than the ones I currently have placed down.
"But this is the second load I've dropped off." I practically groan, throwing my head back a tad as I close my eyes. I don't mind the work, it's just one thing I mind;
Walking. Too much walking.
Jamie's dark eyes raise to me as her fingers stop clacking on the keyboard, "And you've got a third to drop off." She says with a 'not taking a no for an answer' attitude. Knowing not to mess with the deadly woman, I send her a smile and pick up the folders, rushing off without another look back.
Heading towards Gregory's office, I walk in without a knock on the door because I already know he's not in. He hasn't been in the office since the past few days. The only way I get my tasks known and done is through the list that Jamie supposedly has that she checks off task by task. I'm sure she's probably added on a few of her own but I don't mind that much.
She's tough but I can already tell she means well.
Humming to myself I place the folders on Gregory's desk, making sure they're stacked up in order before rounding to the other side of the desk and rifling through the drawers for that sheet of paper Jamie was asking me to fetch for her. I bypass the locked drawers as I skim to the last one and drag it open, finding the paper filled with various things. Grabbing it, I stand upright as I close the drawer with my leg. Just as I'm about to take a step back, my eyes widen and I let out a now gasp at the sight of someone standing in the doorway, watching me.
"Oh God," I let out a laugh as I place my hand on my chest, my heart beating rapidly fast, "You scared me."
The woman at the door let's out a light laugh as she straightens up from her position from where she was leaning against the door. "What do you have there?" Chrissy asks with a smooth tone as she takes a step forward with an eyebrow raised.
"What?" I question in stupor but I get my answer as she points a manicured hand down at my own where I clutch that same paper I just got from Greg's desk.
I glance from her to the paper before realising what the situation probably looks like to Chrissy.
"This probably looks shady," I let out a laugh as Chrissy's on smile widens but thins out at the same time.
"You could say that, yes." She murmurs as she takes another step forward.
"This is what Jamie asked me to get from Gregory's desk. I was just on my way to give it to her." I say confidently as I show her the piece of paper.
No confidential information on the surface of it anywhere. Just the list of interns that worked in the other departments that Greg wanted Jamie to print out for their ID cards as it has their serial numbers printed out next to their name.
Chrissy takes it from me and assess it with keen eyes as her smile grows wider and not so fake as before.
"Well then don't let me stop you. Sorry for that by the way. It just didn't look quite... right." She mumbles as she tried to find the correct word that wouldn't come out as mean as she hoped.
I give her a timid smile as I make my way towards the lobby and to where Jamie's desk is. I keep my back completely straight even though I try to act calm and relaxed with the way I know Chrissy is following after me. I don't even have to look across my shoulder to know her eyes are following each and every move of mine just in case I decide to pocket the oh so important information I have clutched in my hands.

RomanceStruggling to make ends meet isn't something relatively new to Ada Johnson. Life throws difficulties one way or another at her be it from trying to pay her rent to being unable to say no to people which tends to lead her into rather awkward situatio...