Chapter 31

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

"You're going like this?" Denise nearly screeches right besides me as my arms full of books nearly drop onto the floor from the jump scare I get. Taking an inconspicuous step away from the loud woman, I maintain my focus on the task ahead of me which was to put the books in alphabetical order in their respective categories. Once I'm nearly half way down do I only turn to her with a raised eyebrow.

Denise stares back at me with her eyes narrowed and lips pursed as her hands lay on her hips, almost as if in a threatening manner.

"Um yes?" I question hesitantly while glancing down at my clothes.

There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing. Right? It is just a casual date.

"No. No. No. Have you seen that fine piece of man?" The woman questions me as if I'm blind and haven't seen the guy I was practically eating away at a few hours ago in his car. Trying my best to not blush, I clear my throat and then nod as if it is obvious. "You need to look glam and fabulous. Not that you don't already but spice it up a bit." She says with her lips now in a pout.

A very amused Sam rolls her eyes at Denise in a mocking manner causing me to let out a snort. Her mother turns back almost immediately to see what I'm laughing at and then shoo's her daughter away to get back to work all while I revert my attention back to my categorisation.

Chewing on my lip hesitantly, I do ponder over hear words and wonder if they do hold any significance. I mean Gregory knows I'm wearing this so why would he take me out to some fancy restaurant when I won't be able to get a change of clothes. Before I can raise my doubts, however, Denise beats me to it.

"You know what? How about I call that man and ask him what the dress code is?" Denise says with a kind smile and anticipation shining in her brown eyes. I go to tell her no but pause in my words as I mull over them. Maybe if she says it in a way that she herself is wondering instead of me, I won't look so lost?

I hope that makes sense and isn't a completely garbage thought.

"You could," I continue slowly, "If you say it's coming from you that is. I don't want to come off desperate." I say sheepishly as I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Denise smiles even brighter as she nods and pats my head while skittering away, already mumbling about how she'll doll me up when Gregory gives her the green light. I let out a quiet laugh, already dreading what she's going to do.

"You know, I can sneak you out of here and mom won't even find out." Another voice speaks up from behind. Turning around to meet Sam's brown eyes, I let out another laugh as I move on to the next section of books.

"She's not that bad." I joke to which the woman merely shrugs, turning away before either of us can say anything more and ending the conversation then and there.

The next hour passes by in a whizz with no other news or agitation from Denise so I assume Gregory must have told her I was fine with the way I dressed and she was sulking away in a corner since she didn't get her chance to spruce me up a bit. With a content smile on my face, I place the cloth duster back into the basket with all the other cleaning products and shut the door to the cabinet as I straighten myself up, cracking my back in the process and relishing in the feel of my muscles relaxing from their cramped up positions.

Turning around, my smile slides off of my face as I nearly jump back into the cupboard, the sight of Denise with a wild grin on her face startling me to a high degree.

"What on Earth is wrong with you?" I question as I place a hand to my chest, trying to calm my heard down.

I've been getting an awful amount of scares today, I think with bemusement. Not liking these turn of events at all.

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