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Five cats sat at the edge of a star-flecked pool. A faint ginger tabby she-cat sat with a gray tom next to her. The tom's hazel eyes were glazed with excitement. A gray tom with sliver-blue eyes sat a tail-length away, tail twitching impatiently.
A gray tom that looked very similar to the one with silver eyes sat alone, sky-blue eyes calm. A fiery dark ginger she-cat sat fox-lengths away from the group of cats, amber eyes blazing menacingly.
The light ginger tabby was the first to lap at the starry pool, settling down to fall asleep. The others followed and did the same.

They were all gathered together, in one dream. Though it was nearing the end of leaf-fall in the waking world, they sat in a lush green clearing.
The gray tom with silver eyes was the first to speak. "Why are we sharing the same dream together?" He asked anxiously.
The dark ginger she-cat replied, rolling her amber eyes. "Because, Skyfall, it must be important," she hissed.
Skyfall flinched nervously away from the short tempered WindClan cat.
The other gray tom waved his tail calmly. "StarClan has their reasons, Firepool, I'm sure," the RiverClan tom stated smoothly.
Firepool opened her jaws to give a sharp retort. "Well, Skybreeze —"
Before the annoyed ginger she-cat could finish, the ginger tabby spoke up. "That's enough. Like Skybreeze said, I'm sure StarClan has their reasons."
The youngest gray tom piped up. "I agree with Duskheart," his hazel eyes shone with admiration for his mentor.
"Thank you, Echopaw," Duskheart replied, green eyes grateful.
Before any cat could say another word, a white tom appeared from the undergrowth, pelt faint with stars. He had gray paws and faint amber eyes.
"Goosestar," Duskheart dipped her head in greetings. "Have you come to share with all of us?"
The white tom didn't reply, just gave a small blink.
"Who is this cat?" Firepool questioned, impatience edging her mew.
"He was leader of ThunderClan before Doestar," Duskheart explained.
Echopaw's hazel eyes shone with amazement. "Wow! A former ThunderClan leader in StarClan. I've never met a StarClan leader before!"
Skybreeze swished his gray tail for silence.
Every cat gazed at Goosestar expectantly, waiting for him to say something. Finally he opened his jaws to speak. Before the white tom could say anything, dark clouds rolled in, blocking out the sunlight.
He held out a gray paw, turning it over and opening his claw. A torn, faded, white petal was caught on one of his claws.
"Every rose has its thorns. You must embrace its faults before you receive its beauty."
A hard wind blew. Goosestar faded like mist, leaving behind the faded rose petal to flutter in the wind.

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