Chapter 38

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       A cold wind buffeted the yellow grass of the moor. Fluffy clouds blotted out the stars, but the moonlight seeped through. Roseblossom fluffed our her fur against the cold leaf-bare air. Ambernight was at her shoulder, and they were gathered with their Clan in the camp.
        Brackencatch, the deputy, spoke with Jaggedstar. Jaggedstar raised his tail for his Clan's attention. His copper eyes were bright, and his tone was light. He had agreed to attend the Gathering, and, grudgingly, so had Ryestar. Roseblossom only hoped Echochase and Deerpetal had convinced Doestar and Rainstar to attend.
        "The cats who will attend the first Gathering in moons will be Crystalflame, Swoopbite, Ambernight, Roseblossom, Moonpatch, Brackencatch, and myself," the black and white leader announced. "Addertuft will be in charge of the camp while we're gone, in case anything were to happen."
        Roseblossom gave a glance of goodbye towards her mother, who returned it with a nod. Velvetmask was watching the cats leave from outside the nursery, with Acornhollow nearby. Puddlestone padded up to Ambernight and Roseblossom, beckoning for Brackencatch to join them.
       "Say hello to Pebblejump for me," the white tom glanced around at his friends and sister.
       Brackencatch dipped his head curtly. "Of course."
       Jaggedstar took the lead towards the Gathering island.

       Mud seeped into Roseblossom's claws as she landed squarely on the soft ground of the island. Ambernight jumped down from the tree-bridge, stumbling clumsily and licking his chest fur in embarrassment. Despite the anxiety pricking at her chest, Roseblossom nudged her mate playfully.
       Not seeing where she had put her paws, Roseblossom stumbled over a stick. She landed on her side, receiving a pain in her stomach. Ambernight was beside her, trying to help her stand up. Grunting with effort, Roseblossom heaved herself to her paws.
        "Almost forgot I was carrying such a load," Roseblossom purred, amused and trying to lighten the mood.
      But Ambernight only scowled at her, tail wrapping over her shoulders tightly. "I knew you shouldn't have come. You and the kits could be hurt."
        Roseblossom could feel her own worry reflect in his eyes, but she pushed it away. "I still have a moon left yet."
       Roseblossom found a place to sit beside Ambernight. Brackencatch took his place among the roots, and Jaggedstar leaped into the oak. A pelt brushed against Roseblossom, and gray fur moved beside her.
       The skittish tom jumped at the sudden sound of his name, but gave a nervous smile when he saw his friends.
       He sat beside Roseblossom, shaking.
         "How are things in ShadowClan?" Roseblossom started. "Is everything okay?"
       Pebblejump waved his tail to the cats around them. "All the Clans are separated."
        Roseblossom followed his gaze, and to her dismay all four Clans were set apart instead of mingling. In fact, most of the cats' fur was bushed up and eyes were hostile, especially RiverClan. They would cast disgusted glances at other Clans, and some would hiss and lay their ears back.
       Roseblossom shivered, turning her gaze back to Pebblejump, who was gazing at her with interest. "You're expecting aren't you?"
       Roseblossom could feel her ear tips grow warm. "Yes," she replied, gazing up at Ambernight with warmth. "We are."
       Pebblejump's voice shook. "T-that's great news!" He exclaimed. "Congratulations!"
       Roseblossom's response was cut off by a yowl from the great oak. Doestar was standing, white and light brown pelt gleaming.
       "We are all assembled together for the first Gathering in moons," the she-cat's voice rang out strongly. She motioned to Ryestar with her tail. "Would you like to begin?"
        The ginger tom rose to his paws from a high branch. His fur lay flat, but his silvery eyes were wild with hatred. "Prey stealers!" The RiverClan leader lashed his tail. "Border-crossers!" The small cat swung his head at Rainstar, then Jaggedstar.
       Rainstar was quiet, though Jaggedstar stood to his paws. "We did no such thing," the black and white tom's voice was kind, but his words stood with authority. "We were only defending what is ours."
       Ryestar snorted. "You were breaking the warrior code! Crossing into our territory!" Ryestar drew himself up so he looked bigger. "RiverClan will not tolerate cats who will don't admit to what they did."
       Yowls of agreement sounded from the group of RiverClan cats, but a new voice was joining in. From the roots of the oak, a brown tabby had stood, and was addressing the gathered cats. "WindClan does not break the warrior code," Brackencatch meowed boldly. "We stay loyal and true to it, and respect our fellow Clans."
       Ryestar's fur started to bristle. "Respect—!"
       But he was cut off by Rainstar who had stood. "I don't know about you, Ryestar but I believe there has been too much bloodshed," the old tom voice was gentle and understanding. "I vow to respect the borders from now until the end of my time, and to honor the warrior code so that my ancestors may light my path. I only want what's best for my Clan, and right now, I believe that's peace amongst this storm."
       Rainstar sat down, amber eyes fixed on something in the distance. Murmurs rippled through the cats below, and Roseblossom could feel hope spark within her. Finally! Some cat who understands!
       Then the clearing went silent, and the air seemed to hold its breathe. Doestar was starting to look doubtful, and Jaggedstar looked lost for words. Oh no!
        Out of all the moments in her life, Roseblossom had never been more compelled to interfere, in fact, she didn't like to interfere. She didn't like attention and she was shy in the presence of cats she didn't know well. But this seemed different. If she didn't do something, the fate of the Clans could crumbled.
         Roseblossom jumped to her paws, feeling Ambernight stiffen beside her. With a yowl, she started to speak loudly. "I agree with Rainstar!" Roseblossom could feel the pressure of cats looking at her. "I am expecting to have kits, and I've seen how cruel this war has been. It's not right to raise kits to grow up to only know blood and claws."
          Roseblossom steadied herself before pressing on. "We don't have to fight. We can come together and shape the paths of our sons and daughters, so that they can come to know a time of peace."
       Roseblossom stood still for what seemed like forever. Every gaze bore down on her, but finally Ambernight stood and pressed himself against her. "Peace among the Clans!" Ambernight yowled.
       Pebblejump glanced around, then jumped up to join in. "Peace among the Clans!"
       Brackencatch joined in from the roots of the oak. Jaggedstar jumped down from the oak, joining the l chant as well. Rainstar and Darkmoon joined. Echochase and Deerpetal, and Cherrywish and Skybreeze of RiverClan.
      Soon all the cats joined together to chant. Roseblossom could see Ryestar hesitantly start to call out. "Peace among the Clans! Peace among the Clans!"
       Roseblossom pressed against Ambernight and Pebblejump, looking up at the sky. The clouds moved ever so slightly away from the moon, and she knew StarClan approved; she could feel it.

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