Chapter 32

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The chilly leaf-fall breeze buffeted the faded green grass. The reflective surface of the lake rippled wildly as the wind blew. Roseblossom padded beside Puddlestone with a field mouse in her jaws. Her brother dragged a plump squirrel along from the tail. They had had a successful hunt together near the ThunderClan border, and Roseblossom had thought she needed to spend some time with her brother.
As they padded into camp and dropped off their prey at the fresh-kill pile, Addertuft trotted over to her kits. "Sandstar has called a meeting. Moonpaw is receiving his full name."
Roseblossom gave a nod.
Puddlestone snorted. "About time."
The three cats padded over to the middle of the camp where the rest of the Clan was gathered and found a place at the edge of the assembled cats.
Roseblossom gazed over a cat's shoulder to see Sandstar sitting beside Moonpaw, who still was so small. Roseblossom felt a wave of sympathy and sadness wash over her. Moonpaw has lost so much: his father, his mother, and... Roseblossom closed her eyes. If only Quietpaw were here to receive his warrior name along with his brother.
Roseblossom opened her eyes when Puddlestone nudged her. She gave her chest fur a subconscious lick. Moonpaw was addressing his Clanmates, deep blue eyes wise and calm.
"Firepool visited me last night," the orange and white tom started. "She told me it was time to receive my full name."
Moonpaw turned to his Clan leader. "Even though it breaks tradition, Firepool wanted you to give me my name."
Murmurs of disapproval rippled around the cats. Sandstar silenced them with a wave of his tail. "If that's what our warrior ancestors want, it must be right."
"Moonpaw, from this moment forward you will be known as Moonpatch," Sandstar waved his tail. "StarClan honors your wisdom and forethought, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of WindClan."
Sandstar dipped his head to his newly made medicine cat. Moonpatch gave a dip of his own head in return.
The Clan started out in cheers, clearly forgetting that Moonpatch had a forbidden name, or that his naming ceremony had been done by a leader instead of a medicine cat.
As the chants rose up, Roseblossom decided to join her Clan, shutting her eyes. "Moonpatch! Moonpatch!"
Hopefully this ceremony will bring peace and hope to WindClan.

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