Chapter 37

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       They sky was heavy with overshadowing clouds. The icy chill of a battering leaf-bare wind whipped the whiskers across Roseblossom's muzzle. Although it was around sunhigh, the sky was gray and slightly dark.
Roseblossom was padding alongside Ambernight and Puddlestone. They were on a hunting patrol. Though she was one moon expecting, Roseblossom was still allowed to carry out her warrior duties.
       Puddlestone glanced at the overcast sky, parting his jaws to sent the air. "We should head to camp back before we get drenched."
        Ambernight glanced sideways at the white tom, giving an awkward nod of agreement. As Puddlestone took the lead, Ambernight fell in beside Roseblossom, resting his soft tail over her shoulders.  
        "I really think you should stay in camp," Ambernight's voice was stern with protectiveness. "You shouldn't carry out with your warrior duties in the condition you're in."
       Roseblossom flicked her mate over the ear dismissively. "Condition?" She teased, glancing down at her slightly plump belly. "I'm perfectly okay to carry out warrior duties. Moonpatch gave me permission."
       Ambernight glanced disbelievingly in her direction, but didn't argue any further. Roseblossom let out a sigh. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that the Clans were falling apart. How could her kits grow up in such terrible times?
       Ambernight nudged her gently with her shoulder. "Everything okay?" He breathed into her ear.
       Roseblossom gazed into her mate's amber eyes as they walked. "I'm just worried about the tensions between the Clans," she admitted, glancing down at her mud-soaked paws. "How can our kits grow up in such a terrible times like these?"
      Ambernight pressed against Roseblossom, making her feel warm all over despite the icy wind. "There's nothing to worry about," Ambernight nuzzled her. "I'll make sure of that."
       Something stirred beside Roseblossom. She opened her eyes, but didn't move. Ambernight had stood and was padding toward the entrance of the camp. Roseblossom rolled over, preparing to follow him, but she stopped herself when she saw Puddlestone and Brackencatch following her mate.
       Roseblossom hesitated, wondering what the three toms could be up to. After she was sure they had left the camp, Roseblossom stood silently to her paws.
The night sky was dark with shadowing clouds. Roseblossom nearly tripped over Crystalflame in the half-light. Following the scent trail of her Clanmates, Roseblossom padded out of camp.

The three tom's trails led toward ThunderClan territory. Roseblossom followed the trail, worry pricking deep in her pelt. Her mate, best friend, and brother were all heading towards the ThunderClan border together. What could they be up to? What if they got hurt?
As Roseblossom came to the few trees that dotted WindClan territory, she spotted three shapes of cats crouched beside the border stream. Roseblossom instantly recognized Brackencatch's broad shoulders and strong stature, and Puddlestone's compact body and wide head. She could also make out Ambernight's long limbs and lanky body.
Roseblossom his in the cover of a gorse bush, waiting.

Moments later, the bushes on ThunderClan territory rustled. Two cats stepped out, confronting Roseblossom's Clanmates. The clouds moved ever so slightly away from the waning moon.
As the moonlight shone on their pelts, Roseblossom recognized a gray tom, Echonose, and a tan-brown she-cat with white paws, Deerpetal.
Roseblossom's muscles relaxed slightly. How could a medicine cat and one warrior be a battle patrol?
Echonose stepped forward. "We only want peace between the Clans," he glanced sideways at Deerpetal.
The tan she-cat stepped forwards. "Birchripple would have come, too, but she had kits to look after."
Brackencatch dipped his head. "We honor your commitment to all the Clans' well being. We too would like peace."
Roseblossom's heart raced.
Deerpetal gave a thoughtful nod. "I think we can convince Doestar, so long as you can convince Sandstar."
Puddlestone's eyes dropped. "Jaggedstar, actually," he replied. "Sandstar lost his last life."
Echonose shook his head. "ThunderClan apologizes," he glanced up at the sky. "We too lost many noble Clanmates."
Roseblossom could only imagine he was thinking about his mentor, Duskheart.
        Deerpetal swished her tail excitedly. "I have an idea," she exclaimed. "What if we visited ShadowClan and convinced them to meet at full-moon for a Gathering."
        The rest of the cats exchanged doubtful glances. Deerpetal continued. "You three could convince Jaggedstar and then go to RiverClan and convince Ryestar."
       Puddlestone shook his head. "It would never work," he growled, frustrated.
       Deerpetal waved her tail enthusiastically. "At least we could try!" She glanced encouragingly at the toms. "Do it for the good of your Clan!"
       Brackencatch gave a thoughtful nod. "It would be nice to get back in line with the warrior code. We haven't had a Gathering in moons."
        Echonose waved his tail. "Or a half-moon Gathering," he stated thoughtfully. "Perhaps you three should take Moonpatch to RiverClan. If Ryestar is to listen to any cat, it would be a medicine cat."
      Brackencatch gave a decisive nod. "Then it's settled. We'll head to RiverClan tonight, and if all goes well, we'll convince Jaggedstar."
       Echonose waved his tail. Ambernight gave an awkward dip of his head to signal farewell, and the WindClan cats started along to lakeshore. Though Roseblossom was tired with exhaustion, she could feel a mix of worry and happiness well up inside her.
      She decided it was best to head back to camp. As she walked in the silent darkness, she felt her feelings intensify. She was worried Ryestar wouldn't agree to go to a Gathering, but happy at least ThunderClan and her own Clan were on better terms. She could also feel warmth flow through her.
       Ambernight had gone out of his way to try to bring peace to the Clans, and Roseblossom couldn't be more happy. He understands what I need. She gave a smile to herself. And he'll do whatever it takes to make me feel loved.

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