Chapter 36

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A chill drafted it's way through the cleft of the rock into the half-lit den. Roseblossom lay in a bed of moss, tail flicking in boredom. She was confined to the medicine cat den for her recent injuries. The raid on her camp had been both tragic and horrifying. Roseblossom couldn't get the images of dead cats scattered around her out of her mind.
Moonpatch was in his den with her, sorting through crumbling herbs. This leaf-bare was one of the most hardest Roseblossom had to face. She rolled over in her nest, back and tail sore from the healing wounds of battle. It was a crisp morning, and Roseblossom hadn't been outside yet.
Suddenly, as Roseblossom turned in her nest, a pain gripped her stomach. She felt as if she was going to be sick. "Moonpatch..." Roseblossom manages to gasp, one paw clutching her stomach.
Moonpatch turned his head, hurrying over to her nest. The orange and white tom gently pushed her paw away from her belly, feeling up and down her stomach. As he pressed gently, worry formed in Roseblossom's thoughts. Am I coming down with a sickness? How much longer will I have to stay in this nest?
     Moonpatch quickly turned to pull out a soft green leaf with jagged edges. "Raspberry leaves. It'll help."
Moonpatch placed the leaves in front of her and sat back on his haunches. Wisdom shone in his blue eyes, and they were glazed over with cheerfulness.
As Roseblossom chewed and swallowed the raspberry leaves, the pain in her stomach started to ebb away. "What?" Roseblossom questioned at the look on her medicine cat's face.
       Moonpatch turned away, but not before Roseblossom could see the smile trace his face. "Oh, nothing. Why don't you go check on those kits. It's good for you to stretch your legs."

       Roseblossom squeezed out of the rock cleft, starting for the gorse bush where the nursery was. Ambernight intercepted her, amber eyes shinning.
         "Glad to see out of the medicine cat den," Ambernight's tail rested softly on her shoulders.
       Roseblossom felt as light as air. She had questioned Moonpatch further on her bellyache, and grudgingly, he had told her.
       Excitement welled inside her. "We should take a walk together, down to the lakeshore."
      Ambernight gave her a questioning look. "You should ask Moonpatch first. I want to be sure your wounds are healed enough." A protective look crossed the brown tom's gaze, but Roseblossom shook his tail off her shoulders.
        "Meet me outside the nursery," Roseblossom mewed. "I'm going to see Branchkit and Friskkit before we leave."
       Before Ambernight could protest, Roseblossom turned and trotted to the gorse bush, finding it hard to move at a fast pace due to the scratches on her back and the uncomfortable slight weight in her stomach.
       Roseblossom pushed under the gorse bush to be greeted by the mewling of protesting kits. Velvetmask was in the nursery, watching Brackencatch's kits, who had become the deputy after Jaggedswirl. Roseblossom still couldn't believe her father was leader, earning the name of Jaggedstar. And the fact that her closest friend was deputy made her well with pride, but sometimes it seemed Brackencatch was too busy for his own kits.
       Velvetmask was the cat that spent the most time with the little kits. The tabby she-cat looked down at them now.
       Branchkit flicked his little black tail impatiently. "I want milk!"
       Friskkit bounced around the den. "Yeah!" The black she-kit agreed.
       Velvetmask's voice was stern yet soothing, "There are not queens that can give you any. You already had fresh-kill today. If you have any more you'll be sick."
       Roseblossom smiled down at the young kits, who were just about 4 moons old. Velvetmask will make a great mother one day. Roseblossom turned to pad out of the den, gazing down at her belly. And I hope I will, too.

Roseblossom gazed out at clear water. She felt a comforting tail wrapped over her shoulders. She couldn't wish for anything more perfect, she just wished that peace among the Clans would come.
Roseblossom gazed into Ambernight's loving gaze, opening her jaws to speak. This is it... Worry forced it's way inside her. What if he doesn't want kits? What if something happens to them? Could I loose Ambernight and our kits?
Roseblossom took a deep breath. She pushed the negative thoughts away. Of course Ambernight would love her and their kits. He always would.
Roseblossom pushed her muzzle into his chest fur, gazing up at him. Though the air was cold, she was filled with warmth. She whispered into his fur, "You're going to be a father, Ambernight."
Roseblossom could feel him stiffen against her, but only for a moment. She could feel the rasping of Ambernight's tongue over her ears. She leaned into her mate, and he curled his tail around her, pulling her close to him. Everything was perfect.

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