Chapter 29

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       A heavy wind whistled over the purple heather. The tall grass billowed and swayed. The sky was completely clear, and the full moon rose high, stars twinkling around it. Roseblossom blinked up at the moon, worry opening in the pit of her stomach. How did StarClan feel about the Clans not attending Gatherings? How did they feel about medicine cats missing meetings at the Moonpool?
       Moonpaw himself had never been to a Gathering, let alone a half-moon meeting. What has the peace between the Clans come to?
A rustling in the grass beside her made Roseblossom flinch out of her thoughts. She scented the air, hoping a rabbit was waiting for her to catch it. But Roseblossom was surprised when the unfamiliar scent of cat crossed her scent glands. She crouched down, waiting to see if the intruder would show themselves.
Roseblossom could have sworn she saw a tabby tail swish through the grass in front of her, but it was gone in an instant, and there was no sign of the cat after. Roseblossom backed away warily. What if it was a RiverClan cat sent to spy on WindClan?
Roseblossom shook her head, dismayed that she should ever think that. The Clans are drawing nearer and nearer to an unwanted storm.

Roseblossom stretched her jaws in a yawn. She had returned to camp from her night's hunt with a couple of field mice. She tossed one on the fresh-kill pile, then proceeded to the nursery.
Oliveclaw had announced she would be having Brackencatch's kits. After the announcement had happened, Roseblossom had gone numb. She didn't know what to think. That could have been me instead— maybe? Or perhaps she was reminiscing on the time she had with Brackenpaw. That's all it was. She thought sadly. A friendship of two apprentices who didn't understand their place in the Clan yet.
Perhaps their friendship had been broken because Brackencatch had found his purpose. To serve his Clan with loyalty and take pride in it. Roseblossom had never thought Brackencatch would have kits of his own. She didn't think he was father material. She thought he would aim for deputy and perhaps leader, and focus solely on that. Roseblossom caught sight of Ambernight picking through the fresh-kill pile. But things change.

Oliveclaw was settling herself into a newly made nest for the night. Brackencatch sat beside her. Roseblossom waved her tail in greeting. If Oliveclaw is going to be a mother, Sandstar will have to choose yet another deputy.
"Hello, Roseblossom," Oliveclaw greeted politely. "I never thought I would be a mother. I can't wait for the little kits to arrive. It will be good for the Clan."
Roseblossom nodded agreement, shyness creeping at her emotions.
Oliveclaw turned her amber gaze to her mate. "I'm worried, Brackencatch. Our kits will be born in such an awful time. They'll never know what it's like to live a normal life."
Brackencatch green eyes glowed with pride. "That means they will only be stronger," he continued at Oliveclaw's disbelieving glance. "I don't agree with the battles either, but WindClan will be strong again."
Oliveclaw nodded, giving a yawn. She had started to doze. Roseblossom glanced at Brackencatch, his green eyes meeting her's.
Roseblossom gave a faint smile. She longed to have made things right with Brackencatch. But she was happy for the tabby tom.
"Brackencatch..." Roseblossom started, but her gaze fell. She couldn't get the words out.
"I know," he replied softly. Roseblossom gazed into his green eyes once more. Now she understood why she had been drawn to Brackencatch in the first place. They understood each other. And that was enough to build a friendship on.
Roseblossom blinked gratefully at him. "Friends?"
Brackencatch dipped his head. "Friends."
        Sandstar stood on the Tallrock. The sun beat down from overhead. His shoulders were bunched over and his muzzle was graying. Roseblossom could see the calmness in her leader's gaze, but she could tell he was slowly giving in. He gazed over his Clanmates, eyeing each in turn.
Then Sandstar raised his head. "Oliveclaw's deputyship did not last long, but I'm glad she will bare kits. It will make WindClan stronger," Sandstar stated. Though his words were strong, his voice shook with weakness. "WindClan's next deputy will be Jaggedswirl. I hope his kindness helps the Clan thrive through this storm."
Roseblossom turned to her father, giving him a smile of congratulations. His copper eyes glowed with gratitude. The Clan murmured congratulations, but no cat stood or called Jaggedswirl's name.
As if on cue, a cat came padding into the camp, breaking the awkward silence. It was Moonpaw. The orange and white tom must have been collecting herbs for Firepool, because a bundle of green leaves were in his jaws. But that was not what had caused the commotion. Another cat padded behind him.
Moonpaw bounded over to his ginger mentor, dropping his bundle at her paws to whisper something in her ear. Firepool flicked her ears, tail lashing, and turned to stalk away towards her den. Roseblossom could feel worry gripping her again. Why did Firepool have to snap at her apprentice all the time?
Roseblossom turned her attention back to the strange cat whom Moonpaw had led into camp. It was a pale tabby she-cat with fur that was in between golden and pale ginger. Her eyes were the depths of a night sky. Roseblossom furrowed her brows. This cat seemed very familiar. She closed her eyes. Memories that weren't her own flooded over her.
The ground started to give way beneath her. She stared into the fear-filled blue eyes. She could get lost in those deep eyes. Roseblossom blinked the vivid vision away. Did Aspenrose just send me a message? Was this cat...
"Velvet. My name is Velvet."
Roseblossom saw Sandstar questioning the newcomer. Moonpaw stood beside her as if defending her.
Sandstar turned his calm yellow gaze on the apprentice.
"StarClan sent me a sign. They wanted me to bring her here," Moonpaw explained. His wise blue eyes were focused on something in the far distance. "She can help us."
Velvet gave a thoughtful nod. "I had a friend named Aspenrose. I believe she lived here in WindClan at one point," Velvet was gazing at the clouds. "Moonpaw told me the Clans are going through a tough time. I want to help. I have some friends who can help, too."
Sandstar gave a thoughtful sniff. "Can they fight?"

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