Chapter 22

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       Snow crunched gently beneath Roseblossom's paws. The air was crisp and light with a new day. All her worries seemed to vanish with the rising sun; the unnecessary skirmishes, Aspenrose's absence, the prophecy... And yet life goes on. Roseblossom had a beloved mate and a home among her Clanmates. She had friends; Pebblejump, Driftfrost, and Aspenrose. She didn't need to worry right now. But she did. She worried a lot.
        Breathing deeply, Roseblossom padded up to the ThunderClan stream border, lapping up icy cold water. She flicked her ears. Birdsong called softly in the distance. She backed away from the stream, preparing to hunt in the shelter of the few trees close by. But she hesitated, something catching her eye.
       An imprint in the crunchy snow was lay beside where she had just drank. But the paw prints weren't hers, for they were just slightly bigger. She crouched down, inspecting it. A small tuft of brown chocolatey fur was left in the print.
        Roseblossom closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of the fur deeply. The smell was sweet and of undergrowth and pebbles and the stream. Must be a rogue or loner passing though.
       She turned away, heading toward the clump of trees in her territory. She tasted the air and smelled mouse. Crouching down, she pinpointed her prey scuffling among the roots a of small ash tree. Pouncing, she missed-judged her leap, landing slightly behind the mouse. She scrambled after the fleeing mouse, catching it just before it reached the cover of a hole in the snow.
       Roseblossom raised her head, silently thanking StarClan for the catch. She padded along the stream, in the direction of camp. Grass rustled. Roseblossom stopped. She smelled cat, but it wasn't from the Clans.
Could it be the same cat I detected by the stream?
       Roseblossom turned towards the sound, but all was still. Squinting her eyes, she thought she saw movement, but a moment later all she could see was the sunlight trickling through the branches of trees to scatter, reflecting in the snow, in bright golden hues.
Roseblossom couldn't stop thinking about the cat she thought she saw under the shelter of the trees yesterday. The sun shone brightly, no clouds blocking its light. It hung in the topmost part of the sky, promising a slight warmth despite the soft snow of the ground and chill in the still air.
Roseblossom walked alongside Ambernight. Their pelts brushed ever so slightly. She gazed up fondly at her mate. His amber eyes were soft. His muscles ripples beneath his ungroomed brown pelt. He took long, slightly clumsy, strides. His tail was raised protectively. He's perfect.
Roseblossom let out a meow of laughter as he stumbled in a rabbit hole. "Clumsy furball."
Roseblossom padded to him, amusement lighting her hazel eyes. Just as she was about to reach down to help him out, Ambernight scrambled to his paws, leaving the two cats nose to nose. Ambernight dipped his head away awkwardly.
Roseblossom gave a small smile, licking him over the ears. He seemed to brighten at this, lifting his head. Ambernight lay his tail over her shoulders adoringly. Roseblossom opened her jaws to tease him again, but closed them as Ambernight went rigged beside her.
Before she could ask, he pulled her close to him in a protective manner. "There's some cat here," he sniffed the air. "And it's not a Clan cat."
Roseblossom twitched her whiskers in anxiety. Had the cat she thought she had seen in the woods watching them now? Roseblossom leaned against Ambernight, amusement and affection pouring through her. She thought it was cute how Ambernight was so protective of her, and she decided to give him his moment.
Before long, Ambernight relaxed. "Must have been a loner passing through. They're gone now."
Roseblossom gazed into his handsome amber eyes. "Or maybe a feisty rogue who wants to steal our prey," she joked.
Roseblossom frowned when she saw a somber expression creep over her mates face. His brows furrowed and amber eyes glazed with feeling, he gazed at her intently. "I don't ever want to lose you, Roseblossom. I try to protect you, but will that be enough?"
Roseblossom shook her head, amusement fading like the setting sun. "I there is a lot to worry about with all these... loses, but..."
Roseblossom found herself speechless at the sight of Ambernight's sad face. "Crookedwing died from the sickness and then Frozenheart from the skirmishes. What's next?"
Roseblossom opened her jaws to speak, but Ambernight pressed on, giving her an apologetic glance.
"But it's not only that," he continued. "Remember when we were apprentices? You and Brackencatch were so close. I was sure that you and my brother would become mates one day..."
Roseblossom could feel her chest tighten. She remembered her old friendship with Brackencatch with a pang of sadness. Though she didn't regret her decision to become mates with Ambernight, she still wished she could have had at least a lasting friendship with Brackencatch. But it seemed like he had moved on to Oliveclaw.
"I was such a stuck up arrogant apprentice. I'm glad I got to know you, Roseblossom. You changed me for the better."
Roseblossom purred, leaning into his fur, rough against her's. "You're right. You were an arrogant furball. Not to mention reckless," amusement flooded back into Ambernight's expression, and his eyes lit up.
Playfully, he gently cuffed her over the ears. They rolled around in the snow, playfully chasing each other, before settling down side by side, gazing out over the lake. But Roseblossom could feel Ambernight's warm gaze on her, and their eyes met.

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