Chapter 6

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The grass had grown longer and turned greener. Small shoots of purple heather were starting to sprout. New-leaf was on its way quickly. The morning air was damp and cold.
       Rosepaw glanced at the center of camp where Fawnstar stood over Amberpaw. He and his brother would receive their warrior names. Rosepaw felt butterflies flutter through her belly. She longed to become a warrior with her best friend, but she knew she still had about three more moons of training left.
       "From this moment on, you will be known as Ambernight. StarClan honors your bravery and cleverness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan," Fawnstar finished the brown tom's ceremony.
       Rosepaw shivered as Brackenpaw stepped forward toward Fawnstar. I'll be left behind. Rosepaw blinked sadness away from her thoughts, trying to find the pride deep down for her best friend. What if our friendship is lost after he becomes a warrior? What if he finds another warrior to be friends with instead of me?
       Rosepaw relized she had zoned out for most of Brackenpaw's ceremony, and perked her ears, determind to hear the rest.
       Fawnstar's voice sounded around the camp. "Brackenpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Brackencatch. StarClan honors your warmth and dedication."
       The Clan started to chant loudly, welcoming the newly made warriors. "Ambernight! Brackencatch!"
       Rosepaw joined in for Brackencatch, calling his name, though quietly. She was aware of the cats around her, pariniod that if she yowled too loudly they would hear the tremor in her voice.
The stars hung in the sky like a black blanket with flecks of swirling white light. Rosepaw rolled over, tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep. All she could think about was Brackencatch. He's a warrior, and I'm not.
She relished the times when they hunted together. When they spent Gatherings sharing stories with their friend, Pebblepaw. When they just talked, and laughed. Rosepaw rolled onto her back, gazing unblinking up at the night sky.
A star shot across the sky. It was so beautiful. Rosepaw held her breath as the star left a shimmering trail in its wake. It moved quickly, and was over just as fast as it had started. It faded away near the horizon, touching the edge of the moorland with fading light.
Rosepaw locked her gaze on the horizon where the shooting star had disappeared. A shadowed figured rustled the grass. Rosepaw perked her ears. No cat in the camp seemed to take any notice, for they were fast asleep.
The figure moved into view, sitting on top the rise that overlooked the camp. It was a cat. It's scent drifted toward Rosepaw on the breeze. She made out the familiar scent of heather and peat and wind. A loner, Rosepaw decided. They must live on the edge of our territory.
Rosepaw blinked sleepily. The shadowed cat turned toward her. Rosepaw didn't feel threatened, but rather at peace. The clouds moved away from the moon. The loner glanced up, before turning away quickly to slide through the tall grass. The moon shone brightly after the clouds drifted from it. Rosepaw caught sight of the loner's cream tabby tail swishing as it slipped into the cover of the grass.

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