Chapter 28

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       Clouds swirled in the sky, covering any stars. A flash of thunder illuminated the clouds in the distance. A soft, warm new-leaf breeze stirred the purple heather. Roseblossom shifted her paws, glancing anxiously at the gray tabby beside her.
Her mother's hazel eyes rested on the stretch of swaying yellow grass beyond the moorland. Addertuft nudged her daughter playfully. "I am very proud of you, Roseblossom. You've come a long way." Mischief edged her tone. "And I've seen the way you look at that handsome young tom."
Roseblossom could feel her ears grow hot. She twitched her whiskers, but didn't reply. A small smile crept across her face as she thought about Ambernight.
She glanced back up at Addertuft, surprised to see her mother gazing wistfully at the land beyond. Roseblossom could feel her heart pounding as she opened her jaws. Now's the right moment...
"Tell me about when you were younger," Roseblossom started. She could feel the heat of anxiety pulsing through her veins. "Did you have any close friends—? I mean, of course you had Jaggedswirl, but did you have someone who you could just be with and they would understand?"
Roseblossom wasn't sure if Addertuft knew what she was getting at, but a faint trace of longing and happiness flowed over her mother's expression.
"Besides Jaggedswirl..? I suppose there was one cat in particular. She was my best friend, but she's gone now. I miss her so much..." Addertuft's happiness faded, and she gazed out at the yellow grass.
Roseblossom took a deep breath. "Your friend isn't wandering anymore. She isn't alone."
Addertuft blinked at Roseblossom, surprise lighting her hazel gaze.
Roseblossom let her gaze drop to her paws. "Aspenrose has been visiting me in dreams. She's at peace, mom. She's in StarClan, and she has friends with her."
Roseblossom held her breath, waiting for a reply. She kept her eyes to her paws. A white-tipped tail flicked her over her ears. Roseblossom looked up, gazing into her mother's eyes.
Tears welled at the edges of Addertuft's eyes, but she was smiling. Addertuft nodded, pulling her daughter close to her. "Thank you," she whispered.
       Roseblossom swished her tail over the soft, peaty ground. She crouched forwards, waiting for the right moment. The thrush pecked at the ground, unaware of Roseblossom's presence.
       Roseblossom sprang forwards, taking chase. The thrush perked it's head up just in time, flapping its wings to fly away. Roseblossom fought the urge to leap, chasing the bird slightly higher and farther. Almost...
       Just at the right moment, Ambernight leaped from the tall heather. He snagged the wing of the thrush, bringing it down for the killing bite. Roseblossom waved her tail in satisfaction.
       Ambernight returned her gaze with warm amber eyes. Roseblossom nudged his shoulder. "Nice catch, for a RiverClan apprentice," she joked.
      Ambernight nudged her awkwardly with his muzzle. His amber gaze was warm. "I was the one who caught it."
       Roseblossom smiled. "You couldn't have done it without me."
       Ambernight's amusement faded, replaced with affection. "No, I couldn't have."
       They gazed at each other for a while, their prey between them. Roseblossom licked her mate over the ear. She was about to suggest they return to camp, when an ear-splitting cry pierced the heavy air.
       Roseblossom turned towards the sound, feeling Ambernight's soft tail wrap over her shoulders. A cat was racing towards them, blood dripped from their face and splattered their claws.

       Oliveclaw skidded to a halt in front of them, eyes wild with the light of battle. "Hurry, follow me. I'll explain on the way."
       Ambernight gave a nod, glancing down at Roseblossom. Oliveclaw spun around and took off. Ambernight and Roseblossom followed. They were heading towards the ThunderClan border.

        "Dapplesplash and I were hunting together on the ThunderClan border," Oliveclaw panted as she ran beside Roseblossom and Ambernight. "We didn't even cross the border when we were attacked. There were 2 ThunderClan warriors. Dapplesplash told me to fetch backup while she held them off."
       Anxiety pricked Roseblossom's paws, only making her push on. Dapplesplash is taking on two warriors all by herself..? But that couldn't be the entire truth, because when Roseblossom glanced sideways, Oliveclaw's amber gaze darkened.
       The sky was darkly ominous. There was a swirling sheet of thin purple clouds that blotted out the stars. Red light flickered dimly from the dying sun.
       Sandstar stood on the Tallrock, black figure outlined in a red glow. His yellow eyes were calm, but his usually relaxed stature was slumped over. His glazed over yellow gaze was fixed on the unmoving body in the center of the camp.
       When Oliveclaw had led Ambernight and Roseblossom to the border, it had been too late. Dapplesplash had been killed. But that wasn't the only death. Apparently Oliveclaw had left Goldenfall to bleed out, provoking Cinderibis to attack Dapplesplash.
       Sandstar stood. "The next deputy will be Oliveclaw." His gaze didn't flicker, and he didn't hesitate.
      Mews of protest broke out. "She's not a senior warrior. She hasn't had an apprentice," Puddlestone protested. To Roseblossom's surprise, Brackencatch didn't object, instead, Oliveclaw rubbed her muzzle on his chin.             Sandstar flicked his tail. "I've made my decision."
       Roseblossom sat beside Ambernight and Addertuft. Crystalflame sat over her sister, green eyes glazed with sorrow. Firepool sat beside her, solitary. It seemed like the dark ginger medicine cat was shutting down. Crystalflame and Firepool had lost yet another sister.
       Moonpaw, Firepool's apprentice, sat a distance away. His blue eyes were glazed over in thought. Roseblossom guessed the young tom was thinking about Quietpaw, and the thought sent a flood of sadness through Roseblossom. Her first ever apprentice, who reminded her so much of herself when she was young, had died pulling his father's body from the depth of a stream.
       And now yet another death was brought upon WindClan. When will it end? When would WindClan stop being picked off, one by one? When would the stormy skies unveil a clear, sunny day? When would the sun set on this everlasting suffering?
       But Roseblossom felt worry prick at her paws. She hadn't been to a Gathering in so long. None of the Clans had. They were shut off from one another. What if the same storm was hovering over ShadowClan? Was Pebblejump okay? Roseblossom hadn't thought about her friend's well being in a long while. She had been so caught up in her own Clan's worries.
       Roseblossom turned her gaze back to Dapplesplash's body. Her dappled-orange spots glowed on her white pelt in the half-light. Her body was so delicate. She was the last flicker of hope left in WindClan, and she had burned out.

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