All Rumors Fade with Time

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Eli had been here for almost two weeks now and he was starting to lose his mind. Things were a mess and although he didn't hire the bastard Rod, he felt responsible for the mess. His father assured him that Rod was nothing like this in the past, and tried to convince him that there had to be some other reason the manager, who ran this building for years, started swindling their money. Unfortunately, he didn't have the faith in people that his good father did. He found out the bastard was screwing them over and he fired him. He didn't need reasons and sob stories. He needed a company that wouldn't buckle under pressure.

Now he was here instead of home, sleeping in a condo he hadn't used since he bought it, and pushing shitty hours just to rectify everything that bastard screwed up. He felt like the end of the rainbow was nowhere in sight. Hell, he couldn't even see the fucking rainbow with the number of sinister looking clouds blocking it.

"Did you see the news?"

He turned to face the intruder with a scowl that morphed into an expression which betrayed the exhaustion he felt.

"Good morning, boss. How're you? Did you get some sleep last night or were you trying to fix the shit that went down in this fucked up place?" Eli drawled in a mocking voice.

The man his jab was meant for simply ignored him and placed a newspaper on the desk.

"Vampires...can you believe it? They exist, and some laboratories are willing to pay big bucks to any vampires that volunteer for study."

"If you're not going to be useful, then backtrack your steps and exit my office, Leo." He sighed, tossing the paper in the empty trash can behind him.

Eli Levine was an incredible man at the age of twenty nine, with looks that were as impressive and unforgettable as his achievements. He was close to two meters tall with a very desirable build and a beautiful, olive toned complexion. His face drew in scores of women, and his body, deep voice and dominant personality had them falling at his feet. He had a very defined, masculine jawline with a straight nose, smoldering cobalt eyes and arched eyebrows.

Leo picked up the paper and sat on one of the chairs across the room. He opened it up and skimmed the article again.

'Vampires Exist!
For years there has been much speculation on the existence of vampires. They started as an old, British folktale which told stories of creatures who drink blood by roaming the streets at night and preying on unsuspecting humans. They sparked fear into the minds and hearts of British citizens and kept them from leaving their homes. As time passed, they faded to an old tale about monsters and the fear of their existence dissipated. All signs of their presence that were once all around slowly vanished like smoke, and before long, there was not a trace left of them. They became folklore and people who were meant to fear them, began to write stories about them. They became fantasy creatures in novels and movies, falling in love with humans and becoming main characters that readers and viewers rooted for.
What if, my dear readers, I told you that they exist?
What if I told you that these creatures are very much real and alive, and that they live among us?
The evidence is there.
They are excellent at hiding their presences and are masters of disguise, but now and again, they slip up and rumors resurface. They leave behind an occasional corpse that has little to no blood left, and wounds that shouldn't have made it possible for a person to bleed to death. These abnormal deaths are written off by the people in charge, but recently, people have started asking questions. They have started investigating and putting together evidence.
It is now certain that they are very much real, and that they live among you and I. They can be anyone, from a neighbor to a coworker, friend or lover.
We don't want to hurt them. We are curious about the genetic makeup of these creatures that possibly have a longer lifespan than the average human. We are curious by nature and our curiosity drives us to investigate. What if they can help us cure incurable diseases? What if, through studying them, we can improve the lives of humans? Wouldn't it be beneficial to both humans and vampires alike?
We want to learn from these vampires, and we are willing to pay for their services.
If you are a vampire interested in helping the human race thrive, contact us at x-xxx-xxx-xxxx. You will be given the best care and compensation Bio-Gen Labs has to offer'

Leo didn't pay much attention to the rumors at first, but now that a reputable and influential company like Bio-Gen Labs was in on it, he couldn't write them off entirely as rumors. They wouldn't risk embarrassment by writing a scandalous article like this one if they weren't absolutely positive about the issue.

"Call up Elizabeth and have her delay my nine o'clock meeting." Eli instructed without looking up.

"Got it."

Leo used the phone sitting on Eli's desk to call the assistant. He didn't look anything like his cousin. He didn't have Eli's sleek, midnight hair that always looked like sex hair unless he was at work. When he was at work, his hair was pushed back from his forehead with one or two stray, needle straight strands falling forward and stopping at his eyebrows. Leo had beautiful, golden hair that seemed to capture and hold rays of sunshine within their curls. His eyes were sky blue and his skin was lighter than his cousin's. He was also a little shorter and less built, but he was handsome nonetheless, and was married to a beautiful woman by the name of Addison.

"Yes, Mr. Levine?"

"It's me, Elizabeth. Can you please reschedule Eli's nine for around eleven?"

"Sure, sir." She clicked off the receiver and he set the paper down on the desk once more.

"You're really not interested in reading it?" Leo asked and Eli didn't look up.

"I don't have the time to concern myself with baseless rumors, Leo."

"Bio-Gen Labs wrote the article." He stated, and this time Eli did look up, but it was to spare him a disinterested glance.

"All rumors fade with time."

Leo couldn't believe how right Eli was. Less than six weeks later, not a single vampire had come forth. Bio-Gen Labs apologized for the article, dismissed the heretic who had written it, and published a public apology in the newspaper. The heretic was a lab assistant who, for reasons unknown to the public, wrote and published the article.

Bio-Gen Labs didn't lose much face after it was established to be the work of one person who, as they quoted, was delusional and trying to sabotage the company. The article soon became nothing more than a forgotten rumor as news of a well known heiress' pregnancy for an undetermined man became the headlines.

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