The Great Caius

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Gray was sick. His insides were turning in over on themselves, his head was throbbing and he was freezing. He was relieved none of the others were in the locker room. They didn't like him and often bumped into him on purpose. If someone bumped into him while he was this weak, he was going to fall. He grabbed his bag from the locker with trembling hands and stumbled to the bathroom. He locked the door and fell to the floor with his bag. He rummaged around in the black bag until he found what he was looking for.

He pulled out the pack that was wrapped in a special packaging that kept it warm, and bought it to his lips slowly. He bit off the corner and poked the straw in before taking a deep gulp of the liquid that was his life source. His hands were still shaking by the time the bag was empty, but his shivering was easing. He was still cold, but the somewhat warm blood helped.

His hands fell limply to his sides and the empty blood bag landed on the white, tiled floor. His head thumped back against the door and he licked his lips.

It was taking him longer than usual to recover. In the first place, he couldn't remember it ever feeling this bad. A daunting feeling was starting in his chest, but he didn't have time to think about it. His stomach flipped a few times and he mustered all the strength he had to scramble to his feet and bolt to the nearest toilet bowl. He had barely leaned over when thick liquid spewed from his lips and splashed into the water that changed from blue to red. He retched again and again as everything he drank came back up. His eyes were watering and his hands were trembling as he clutched the white ceramic bowl.

His heart was thumping so hard in his chest he was afraid it was going to explode. He needed to leave. He needed help...

He gathered some saliva in his mouth and swirled it around before spitting and flushing the toilet. His head throbbed nastily as he dragged himself to his feet and over to the white sink. He gargled water and spit it out, watching the rusty liquid disappear down the drain.

He barely recognized the person looking back at him in the mirror. His skin was pasty white and drenched in cold sweat, his eyes were swollen and had dark rings, and cheeks were starting to look sunken in. The most worrying part though, was that his lips were turning blue.

Gray splashed water on his face, shivering when he realized how cold it was, and pulled a few paper towels from the dispenser. He patted the beads of liquid off his skin before crumpling it up and walking over to his bag with legs that trembled and threatened to give out like those of a newborn foal.

He retrieved the device and dialed the number of the person he knew he could count on. He placed the device by his ear, but didn't let it touch his skin.

Everything felt extremely cold to him at the moment.

It rang twice, and halfway through the third ring, someone answered.

"Little rabbit? What is it?"

"Can...can you pick me up at work? I know you're busy but-"

"I'll be there in ten minutes, bunny. Where will I find you?" He asked and Gray could hear shuffling in the background, accompanied by the jingling of keys.

"Outside...I'll be outside." He rasped out before a nasty cough tore its way out of his throat.

"Don't push yourself to talk. I'll be there in a jiffy." He assured Gray and the slam of a car door was heard before the ignition brought the engine to life.

Gray hung up just as someone rattled the doorknob and banged twice on the door.

"Is someone in there? Why is it locked?" A male voice asked and Gray felt like crying.

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