Rough Morning at Work

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Yesterday was the first time since he came here that Eli didn't stay in office until close to midnight, and it was only because he went to Elixir with a few of his Legion. Cherry showed up with a couple members of his Devils. They had a working relationship back home, or rather, the Crimson Devils respected what belonged to the Black Legion, and the Legion didn't interfere with the Devils unless it was necessary.

They didn't talk business, or at least not business related to their day jobs. They drank and discussed things back home - things that would make a regular person white in the face and send them running in the opposite direction.

Nonetheless, that little 'me' time had Eli in a much better mood than he had been in since he started here.

"I've got some bad news, Eli." Leo's voice was somewhat grim as he strolled in.

"Good morning, Eli. You look busy. Have you had breakfast or would you like me to get one of the runners to bring you something? I've already eaten, thanks for asking, Leopold. You look thrown off. Anything I should hear?" Eli sassed and his cousin ignored him as usual.

This was sort of their regular morning banter, now that Leo thought on it.

"Elizabeth's son got into an accident and she'll need some time off to care for him."

"Is she here today?" He asked and the blonde man shook his head.

"She emailed late last night. Should I get HR to find you a substitute from an agency?" He inquired.

"That'll be a pain. They'll need to familiarize themselves with the entire company and system, not to mention the clients and my schedule. Have HR run a search through our existing employees and find a couple of suitable candidates I can pull from their position until Elizabeth gets back. Tell Jonathan I'll meet with him in room three at ten to see what he has." Eli was back to working as he gave instructions.

"Will do. I'll take a walk and meet Jonathan in person." Leo told him and received a nod of approval.

It was becoming ridiculous.

Gray was okay with ignoring people who spread rumors about him, but he wasn't okay with it affecting his job.

Multiple times for the morning so far had he been tripped and laughed at by his fellow workers who were delivering stuff to other floors. There were numerous mutters and snickers under their breaths as they called him names like fag and gay whore. He was getting annoyed, but he held his tongue and let it slide.

"Take the stairs, fag. I don't want to breathe the same air as you." Matthew sneered as he hit the button for the elevator door to shut before Gray could get in with the documents he was supposed to deliver.

He heaved a sigh and trudged over to the stairwell. These were needed immediately and it was only three floors up. It was a good thing his body was feeling much better than it was yesterday.

"Why are you coming through the stairwell, Gray?" Leslie asked in a motherly voice.

"The elevator was busy so...stairs." He gave her a sheepish look.

"Just wait next time, alright? How're you feeling, dear?"

"Much better, thank you."

Leslie was a kind and beautiful soul.

"That's good to hear. I won't keep you any longer so make sure you take care of your health." She waved him off and went to wait on the elevator.

Gray managed to make it through the morning, but he was exhausted. Each time he went to the elevator, there seemed to be one of the runners who didn't hesitate to treat him as though he was diseased. This meant he had been using the stairs all morning and he was in dire need of a break.

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