Beware! Angry Boss!

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The weekend passed Gray at Caius' and before he knew it, he was being dropped off to work by the vampire. He had never been drunk before because Caius never allowed him to drink from a human who had consumed that much alcohol. He was furious with Carina and wanted to personally scold her for her carelessness the next day, but Gray convinced him otherwise. How was she to know that he couldn't handle blood with a high alcohol content?

Gray wanted to believe that he dreamed, hallucinated or imagined the warlock called Cherry, but his gut was telling him it was none of those. He knew, in the back of his mind, that his encounter was all very real but he didn't want to believe it. He didn't even know there was such a thing as a warlock, but after he woke up feeling stronger than he did the last time he threw up fresh blood, he knew he couldn't continue to lie to himself.

"Watch where you're going, fag!" A voice sneered as a shoulder bumped into his.

He mumbled an apology and hurried to the elevator that took him up to his new, temporary work station. Even as he started working long before Leo came in, his mind kept going back to Levi. They didn't make any promises to have lunch this week, and they didn't exchange contact information, but Gray couldn't stop the feeling of hopefulness from welling up inside.

Caius didn't tell him he had to stop seeing or spending time with Levi, and Gray was glad. He was starting to like being around the large, olive skinned man with a physique that could turn a Greek god green with envy, glorious strands of ebony silk for hair, and those cobalt blue eyes that seemed engraved into his eyelids; each time he closed his eyes, they were all he could see.

"How was your weekend, Gray?" Leo asked as he entered and set a cup of coffee down for him.

"It was...normal. How was yours?"

"It was terrible. I miss my wife." He sighed and sank into the chair opposite Gray. "Tell me about my schedule today."

"You've got three meetings scheduled for nine thirty, eleven and two. There are five emails I think you need to respond to, but if you'd like me to do it, I can, and Kelly Sanchez called with some concerns about a project that is due to start in three days. She wants to speak to either you or Mr. Levine personally." He listed off without looking up from what he was doing.

"A packed day, then." he sighed. "Bring me the documents I need for the meetings so I can review them, and call Kelly and forward it to my office."

"The documents are already prepared and on your desk. I made notes of they key issues for the meetings and tabbed them off. I'll forward her to you when you get settled." Gray looked up to see a grin on Leo's face.

"You're amazing, Gray." he laughed before walking off to his office.

The morning was hectic and Gray was relieved when he got a chance to go for lunch close to two. He was disappointed because he knew there was no chance Levi would be taking lunch so late, even if they might have been able to meet up.

The elevator had a few people from other departments who were glad to see Gray, and were genuinely happy when they heard he was temporarily filling in for Elizabeth. They missed him, but wished him well at the same time.

By the time he got to the ground floor, he was the only one exiting the elevator. He walked outside into the warm sun with his hands tucked into the pocket of his pants. He was on his way to the cafe when he walked directly into someone's chest, or rather, said person stood directly in front of him. He managed to stop himself from falling, but his nose had taken quite an impact and was turning red.

"I'm sorry," he apologized and lifted his eyes to find a pair of chocolate browns glaring down at him.

"Watch it, fag." Damon sneered and Gray paled.

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