Is this High School?

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Gray was in a much better mood by the time he went back to work, and not even the sneers and insults from his coworkers could bring him down.

It wasn't just the enormous cup of coffee he had with his meal. The cheesecake was the highlight of his meal and had him smiling even as he took the stairs numerous times to deliver the documents he was entrusted with.

He wanted to thank Levi, but didn't have the slightest idea how to. All he knew was the man's name, probably not even his real one, and that he most likely worked with Leopold.

"Come on, Gray. I'll hold the door for you." Called Lisa from inside the elevator.

Gray was skeptical for a moment before shrugging it off and deciding it beat taking the stairs again.

"Thank you," he mumbled, keeping his eyes down as the doors shut.

"What floor? Your hands are full."

"Accounting please." He answered and she nodded.

"I don't agree with the way they're treating you and I'm sorry I'm not standing up to them." The Asian woman spoke suddenly.

"'s okay. You don't have to apologize to me." He told her with wide eyes.

"I do. I've got nothing against gay people, because, well...I'm...not exactly into the opposite gender? And umm...I feel like I should have stuck up for you." She shuffles from one heeled shoe to the next. "You know..." she trailed off and Gray smiled a smile that made her feel just a bit better.

"It's alright. We don't want them giving you trouble as well. Thank you for trusting me though, Lisa."

The doors slid open and he got out as she waved sheepishly.

"Did you choose someone?" Leo asked and Eli sighed.

"Jonathan did...and I feel like I'm regretting it already. When she first showed up for her temporary position, her shirt had all of its buttons and her skirt touched her knees. Look at her now." He groaned as she approached the glass door.

His expression was completely schooled by the time she knocked and entered with the papers he asked for over a half hour ago.

Leo winced visibly before clearing his throat and speaking up.

"Can I have your name?"

"Wendy Scott." She responded, shooting him a glance that became a double take.

He was handsome, and if she hadn't laid eyes on Eli Levine first, she would be hitting on him instead.

"Can you tell me what happened to your clothes, Wendy Scott?" Leo asked and she looked over at Eli with an offended expression that went unseen.

He was busy doing something with some papers. Usually Eli himself would have disciplined the employee, but he seemed to be in an excellent mood even though he had to return early with his lunch in hand. Leo knew better than to give Eli a reason to lose whatever good mood he caught when he was out.

"I don't think you're in any position to tell me about my clothes, Mr. Whoever you are." She sassed and Eli stifled a snicker.

"Three of your buttons seem to have come undone without your notice and I feel the need to point out that at times like these, an undershirt would have been a great help."

"Excuse me?!" She sputtered indignantly.

"Who are you to-"

"And your skirt seems to have shrunk at least...six inches?" He guessed, cutting her off.

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