Part 2

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joey's pov

" mom I really don't know why your making me come here you know this whole school thing has never been for me " I said through the phone

" joey it hasn't even been a day yet . I would like to see my son become something in life " she said

" fine I have to go " I said

" love you " she said

" I love you to mom " I said hanging up and walking up to my dorm to see this really cute girl on the bed

" hey I'm kelsey Martinez your roommate " she said with the softest voice I ever heard as she puts her hand out for me to shake . should I shake it , nahh

" Joey " I said looking through my stuff

" nice to meet you " she said

" mhm " I said still looking through my stuff as the door opens

" yo " Tyler said giving me a handshake

" who's this " asked Bryce ofc he did

" oh this is my new roommate " I said trying to act like I forgot her name

" Kelsey " she said

" yeah Kelsey and these are my friends " I said

" jaden , anthony , josh , tyler , bryce, and Isaak " I said

" nice to meet all of you " she said

" how old are you " asked tyler as he looked at Bryce

" 19 " she said

" oh shit " bryce said 

" mhm " Tyler said as the door open and this guy with brunette curly ish hair walks in

" Kelsey " he said

" Joshua " she said excited

" you guys know each other " isaak asked

" yeah we met in the elevator " she said

" did we ask " I said trying to make her mad

" no pu- " she said but I cut her off

" exactly " I said

" we should go " I said

" well it was nice meeting you Kelsey " they said to her

" Sam- " she said as I shut the door

" what's up with him " I said looking at Joshua

" oh he's a friend of isaak " tyler said

" I don't like him " I said as tyler chuckled

" why you haven't even talked to him " he said

" I just don't " I said

" yo there's this sick ass party tonight " bryce said

" we should totally go " jaden said

" nah " tyler said

" why not " Joshua asked

" just cause things get out of hand " tyler said looking at bryce

" oh come on I won't drink " bryce said

" oh that's the biggest lie you ever said " Anthony said

" you guys don't think I would be able to not drink at a party " bryce said

" are you trying to bet " I said

" yeah I am " bryce

" what " I said

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