part 21

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kelsey's pov

it felt like hours since joey left and he still hasn't came back. what if he got hurt or what if something bad happened. what if he ditched me ? all of the sudden i hear a knock on the bathroom door

" kels open the door " i hear him say as i immediately cover myself up

" um give me a sec " i said making sure my towel won't fall on me as i open the door and see him with 4 bags of Victoria's Secret

" what the fuck " i said

" here pick whichever you want " he said putting the bags on the bed

" why did you get me all this " i said

" um you need underwear and bras dummy or did you wanna sleep in my boxers " he said as he smiled

" i mean why did you get soo many " i asked

" oh well if you ever sleepover again you can have them here so you won't need to wear my boxers " he said

" ohh well you took a long time " i said as i picked on a bra

" my bad " he said as i looked for a underwear and find thongs

" ohhh um i didn't know if you liked them so i just got you them " he said as i picked out a underwear and went into the bathroom and changed. after i'm all done i come out and see joey on his phone texting someone . i wonder who it is . i look at joey as he's on his phone paying soooo much attention too and noticed something. is that a hickey? did he have that before he left or after ?

" joey " i said

" huh " he said as he payed attention to his phone still

" do you mind turning off the lights " i said trying to be emotional

" oh um sure " he said as he turned of the lights and put his phone on his nightstand and we both fell asleep


it was around 3 in the morning and all i hear is joey's phone going off . who would be texting him this late? ugh i wanna turn it off but i shouldn't look at his phone it's his privacy . but what if it's a emergency i don't think he'll mind . i slowly get out of bed and walk over to his nightstand and pick up his phone to see like I000 texts messages from this girl name emily. ugh no matter how bad i wanna open them i can't . you know what maybe a small peek won't hurt him . i do his face ID and open the messages


god you were sooo good😍

i wish i can be with you rn !!

i miss your kisses

when can we hang out again

maybe you should come tomorrow to vs when i'm on break and do yk what😋

was i good ?

i start shaking as i feel my heart drop ,ugh i knew it . i knew i should have never ever talked to him . i feel soo stupid how could i believe he would stop being the way he was ,i'm so stupid . i hold in my tears and put his phone down i walk downstairs and lock the door and drive back home . on the way home i tried soo hard not to cry but i couldn't help myself. i felt so dumb i felt like i just got walked all over. after 30 minutes i make it home and immediately run to my room and shut the door and lay on my bed as i feel my tears fall. all of the sudden i hear a knock

" kels is that you " i hear my mom ask

" um yeah " i said

" i thought you were staying at joeys " she said

" i didn't feel so good so i just came home " i said

" are you okay " she asked

" yeah i just need some rest and i'll be fine " i said

" okay call me if you need anything okay " she said as i heard her footsteps fade away . i pick up my phone and text sophia


hey soph are you busy rn ?

                                      no i'm just doing a face mask with kash , why ?

i just wanted to facetime you but maybe some other time

                                     what nooo i'll call rn you better pic up

as i read the text sophia calls i accept the call

" hey is everything good " sophia asks as i tried not to cry

" uh yeah i just um wanted to see how you were doing " i said

" i'm doing good , haven't seen any cute boys but it's fine " she said as we laugh

" you seem down are you sure your okay " she asked

" yeah " i said as i knew deep down i wasn't i wasn't anywhere near fine . i felt so stupid i felt played . how could i be so stupid to give him a other chance i'm just hurting myself at this point. i need to get over him i shouldn't like him

" oh well i'm coming back saturday so we can go to this halloween party it's gonna be sooo cool and i heard there's gonna be some hotties there so you can't say no to me " she said

" i don't like parties soph " i said

" yeah i know but come onnn hotties " she said as i really didn't want to go . i hated parties i didn't see the big point of them all you would see is people having sex, doing drugs , or something and i'm not really about that but this is a opportunity to get of joey . i can't leave it

" sooo yes " she said

" ugh fine but can we leave early i hate staying up so late for parties " i said

" yes ofc " she said

" well ill see you saturday text me if anything okay " i said as she put her thumb up as i chucked and hung up . i get up and walk over to my nightstand and open up a drawer and see my diary. god i haven't seen this since forever but maybe if i write down how i feel towards joey i'll get it all out .

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