part 17

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" what do you mean the boy she cried about " i asked her

" the other day kelsey came home not the way she usually does i could see the sadness in her eyes"

" you're the boy who caused the sadness " she said

oh man what a good first impression for you, birlem

oh shut up, now is not the time

" im so sorry i never meant to make her feel the way she does that's why i came all the way here to make it up to her i hated the fact that im the reason she feels this way .." i said as i looked down

" do you love her " she asked i sat there like a idiot not knowing what to say

" if you don't then let her go ,you're just hurting her more then you already have "

" don't play with her feelings just cause you don't know yours " she said

" im not playing with her feels "

" i love kelsey with my whole heart and i would do anything to be with her but i don't deserve her.she's too good for me" i said as i felt this weird feeling in my stomach

" you should stay here im sure kelsey wouldn't want you driving around drunk at this time " she said

" are you sure i don't wanna bother more then i already had " i said

" it's fine ill go bring you blanket you can sleep down here " she said

" thank you " i said

" anytime " she said as she went upstairs and i looked around and saw these baby pictures of kelsey. god she's always been so beautiful

do you actually love her

i don't know bro i feel so much towards kelsey she makes me feel so happy when im around her ive never felt like this towards any girl and i hate the fact that i just can't give her what she deserves i hate the fact that i can't have her all to myself..

is the joey birlem in love...

" here you go " mrs. martinez said as she laid down these blankets

" make yourself at home if you need anything you can always ask me or kelsey " she said

" okay thank you again " i said as she nodded and walked upstairs and everything went black

kelsey's pov

i wake up to the sound of birds and i then feel this pain in my arm as i looked down and remember,oh fuck joey . i get up quickly and walking downstairs to see him sleeping peacefully i sigh and walk upstairs to get ready. after taking a show and brushing my teeth i try finding out a good outfit but there was nothing how do i not have nothing good to wear. after a good 20 minutes i find some shorts and a black crop top i put on some light makeup and walk downstairs.

" joey " i said lightly

" joey " i tapped on him

" joey wake up " i said

" joey " i said getting a little more worried and all of the sudden he starts laughing

" you asshole " i said as i sigh

" i wish you could have seen your face " he said as he looked me straight in the eyes all of the sudden i felt this weird feeling in my stomach as i felt myself coming closer to joey as he came closer to me. just inches away from each other's face and

" good morning guys " i hear my mom say as i immediately back up

" who wants breakfast " she said as i looked down

" i do, im starving " i hear joey say

" why don't you go clean up and breakfast will be ready by the time your done " my mom said

" okay thank you again " he said as he got up and walked upstairs as i sighed and walked over to my mom

" how's your arm honey " she asked

" it doesn't hurt as bad anymore " i said

" im glad your okay but don't ever do some type of shit like that again " she said as i chuckled

" i love you mom " i said

" i love you too " she said as i walked towards the front door

" kelsey where are you going " she asked

" oh um i just want some fresh air ill be back " i said

" okay just be careful " she said as i nodded and walk out and walk to this close park that's around me . i pull the picture out and look at it as i feel the tears go down my cheek. why did you leave , why did you leave me dad i miss you so much . i though as i wiped the tears away i get up and walk back home

" good you made it right in time " my mom said as she sat a other plate on the table

" actually mom im not hungry " i said

" but honey- " she said as i cut her off

" please mom i just wanna be alone " i said as i walked upstairs and closed the door

joey's pov

" where's kels " i asked as i got out of the shower

" she's needed some fresh air " her mom

" oh is she okay " i asked

" i hope so she only says she needs fresh air when she's at her lowest " she said as she sat a plate down as i saw kelsey walk in

" good you made it right in time " mrs. martinez said

" actually mom I'm not hungry " kelsey said

" but honestly " she said as kelsey cut her off

" please mom i just wanna be alone " kelsey said as she walked upstairs and closed her door

" ill go check on her " i said

" you sure " she said a bit worried

" yeah don't worry i got it " i said

" Joey-"she said as i cut her off

" mrs.martinez i got it " i said as she still looked really worried i walked upstairs and knocked on the door

" kels "

" go away joey i don't wanna see anyone " she said

" are you okay , what's wrong " i asked

" can you just fucking leave me alone " she said as i could hear how upset she was

" i don't want to see anyone, please just go away " she said

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