part 23

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" you hear that kels " my mom said making me embarrassed again

" what about you kels do you have a boyfriend " tae asked

" oh um no " i said

" really, how come your so beautiful " crystal said

" thank you but i'm not really interested in dating right now " i said

" oh makes sense " she said

" yeah and i'm pretty full now " i said as my mom looked me confused

" really you barely even took a bite " tae said

" yeah i'm not really hungry " i said

" neither am I to be honest " gio said

" everything was delicious though " he said

" thank you gio and kels since your done why don't you go out with the boys to catch up " she said

" okay " i said as we all get up and make our way out the house

" so um where exactly are we going " gio asked

" let's go to malibu " tae asked looking at both of us

" why not " i said as i got into my car and started driving. the whole ride tae and gio were just singing their lungs out . after what felt like forever we were finally here .

" i'm gonna go to the restroom i'll be back " gio said as i nod and look around

" hey um are you okay " tae asked

" yeah " i said

" you sure , you seem kinda down. you know you can talk to me about anything right " he said as my eyes widen

" what " he said as i just stood there .

" we should " i said as i grabbed tae by the hand

" kels wait what's going on " he asked

" nothing i just don't feel so good " i said as all of the sudden i hear

" kels " i ignore it and continue to walk away

" kels someone's call you " tae asked as i ignore him and feel something pull me making me look at them and there he was

" kels " he said as i didn't say anything

" are you okay , ever since you left last night you haven't texted . are you ignoring me and who's this " he said looking at tae

" i'm tae kelsey's- " he said as i cut him off

" who's that " i said looking behind him as he turns and doesn't know what to say

" exactly " i said

" it's not what it looks like she's sophia's friend she left me with her because sophia left to the restroom with one of her friends " he said as i can feel as i was about to cry . not because he was with a other girl but the fact that he's lying to me

" you really think i'm that stupid. sophia hasn't even came back and she's not coming back until saturday i just talked to her yesterday. " i said as i can feel tae just looking at me

" kelsey.. " he said

" just leave me alone " i said as i turned around and started walking away

" kelsey at least let me explain " he said i ignore him and continue to walk away

" just fucking leave me alone joey " i yell as i can feel eyes on me

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