Part 10

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Kelsey's pov

" this was so fun " I said as Joshua hold onto me

" sure was wasn't it " Joshua said opening the door of his dorm as I walked and trip over something

" hey " Joshua said quickly holding on to me making sure I don't fall and laying me down slowly onto the bed

"my head hurts " I said trying to take of my shoes

" I wonder why " he said as he helped me take my shoes off

" sing to me " I said

" you need to get some rest " he said sitting down on his nightstand

" please " I said with a baby voice hoping he would

" just one song " he said

" yayy " I said looking at him as he walked over to his piano

" what should I sing " he asked looking over at me

" remember that song from the other day " I said tilting my head at him

" oh yeah the one about a girl " he said

" a girl " I said looking straight at him

" that's not what I said " he said instantly looking away

" Joshua do you have... crush " I said

" what nooo " he said

" mhmm " I said smiling

" I'm being serious , stop " he said

" sing to me " I said as he nodded and started playing the piano

" I knows it's not , not right now but I'll find a way for us to be some how all though it won't , won't be soon but I bet you I'm coming back for you , for you  oh " he sing as he played the piano god how soft he was everything about him was precious

" you like it " he said looking right into my eyes

" yeah.. " I said not taking my eyes off of him

" I still don't know if I wanna finish it bu- " he said as I leaned in and started kissing him and gosh this was everything, everything felt perfect. all of the sudden everything goes black.

I wake up in a room that I have seen before but couldn't get my head rap around it I then look around to see clothes on the floor MY CLOTHES oh god please don't tell what I'm thinking

" good morning " I hear making me jump to see Joshua

" Joshua " I said looking at my clothes on the floor

" how you feeling " he asked walking over to me

" umm way better now " I said looking down to avoid eye contact

" umm I should get going " I said

" oh yeah um me too " he said getting up as I quickly pick up my clothes as I cover myself with a blanket

" wanna hang out later " he asked opening the door for me

" umm you see I'm really busy but another day " I said walking out

" for sure " he said as I quickly nod and walked towards my dorm hoping Joey wasn't there it would honestly be one of the most embarrassing moment in my life I thought to myself as I opened the dorm room to see sophia and Joey

" god where were you " Joey said yelling at me but not really yelling

" none of your business " I said closing the door

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