Part 11

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it's been a whole week since I said a word to joey or joshua well I've been ignoring joshua since we last each other I don't even know what I feel anymore I just wanna get away from anything at this point. I called my mom asking if I can come over during break because this is literally the last place I wanna be at. I still don't know if I wanna stay the whole entire break or midway.

" hey " I hear from behind to see sophia entering the dorm as I packed my clothes

" hi " I said

" what are you doing " she asked as she sat down on my bed

" packing " I said

" I can see but why " she asked

" I'm going to my moms " I said

" but I thought you were going with us on the trip " she said

" what trip " I asked confused

" the road trip did Joey not tell you " she said as I sigh

" we're not talking " I said as I closed my suitcase

" wait really why " she asked

" i don't know he hasn't said a word to me " I said

" well joshua hasn't stopped asking about you since last week what's up with that " she asked

" nothing " I said as I sat my suitcase down next to my bed

" you can tell me " she said

" oh I know it's just- I don't know " I said

" you sure " she asked

" yeah it's fine " I said

" well you should totally come on the trip with us " she said

" it's fine you guys go have fun " I said

" I insist " she said

" please, at least think about it " she said

" please "

" fine I'll think about it " I said

" okay text me if you end up coming " she said

" okay " I said

" byeee " she said as she walked out the dorm

" bye " I said as I sat down and looked at the ceiling . god what am I gonna do

you should definitely go on that trip

what no way

why not

because joey is gonna be there

so didn't you hear that he was gonna invite you

but he didn't sooo

maybe because things are awkward between you guys. look at this as a chance to work things out with him

I'm fine

come on kelsey you know you miss him stop lying to yourself

I do not and I'm not lying to myself I don't feel anything towards Joey

your going to regret it later I promise


short chapter
hey loves I just wanna say how sorry I am for not posting for 3 months. I've been dealing with a lot. I actually posted about it on my Instagram @baddiebirlemmm. the reason I disappeared was because I was getting harassed and threatened for 3 months. I promise once I'm better I'll be back. check my Instagram for more info on the situation. love and miss you guys > monse

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