Part 4

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joey's pov
I was lucky to wake up before kelsey god she looked so beautiful sleeping she doesn't even need to try I thought to myself as I looked at her I then change into a hoodie and some gray sweatpants i grabbed my phone and kissed kelsey on her cheek as I left to meet Sophia downstairs

" where are you " I said through the phone

" I'm literally at the corner " Sophia said as I rolled my eyes and hung up

" I'm here clam your clown ass down " she said as she sat down

" took you long enough " I said

" sorry I had to get ready in case I found myself a husband " she said laughing

" I'm joking " she said

" what was so important that you had me come here at 7 in the morning " I said

" well it's actually right behind you " she said as I looked behind and spit my drink

" surprise " Sophia said as my eyes widen

" well what are you doing just looking at me give me a hug " she said

" huh " I said

" sophia can I talk to you alone " I said 

" no " she said as I pulled her over

" what the fuck is she doing here " I whispered yelled

" well you see she texted me saying she was in the city and that she wanted to see me and ofc I couldn't say no so now she's here " she said

" god, kill me " I said

" it's not that bad " Sophia said

" she's my ex girlfriend " I said

" can you just please hang out with her today " she asked me

" oh noo this is your mess " I said walking away

" please Joey " she said following me

" what would I get back in return " I said as I stopped walking

" umm I don't know , what do you want " Sophia said

" your help " I said

" with what " Sophia said

" with a girl " I said

" WHAT " Sophia yelled

" is everything okay "

" yeah " I said

" you need my help with a girl , all you have to do is look at them and they are on their knees " Sophia said

" well she's not like any other girl she's different " I said

" omfg your in love " she said excited

" my fuck boy brother is in love " she said

" clam down clown looking ass " I said

" fine I'll help you but take care of her " she said

" yeah whatever " I said

" good luck " Sophia said as she left and I walked back

" what was all that about " she asked

" oh nothing " I said

" I missed you so much joe " she said

" so did I lex " I said

" I'm gonna go to the bathroom " I said as I got up and walked the opposite way from the bathroom all of the sudden my eyes meet this girl that kinda looked like kelsey, is it kelsey

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