Part 6

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kelsey's pov

" where are we " I asked Joey

" boardwalk " he said

" oh it's kinda cold " I said as we got out of the car

" maybe it's cause we are close to the beach " he said

" wait what " I said

" yeah " he said

" well what are you doing let's go to the beach " I said as I ran and he followed me

" wow this is beautiful " I said as water hit my feet

" this isn't the best part " he said

" then what is " I said looking at him

" this " he said as he picked me as I feel cold ass water hit my body

" omg " I yelled as I cleaned the water from my face

" your so dead " I said getting up and walking towards him as he walked away

" come here " I said

" oh no I'm fine here " he said

" I'll give you a kiss " I said hopefully he will come

" oh shit bet " he said as he walked up to me

" where's my kiss " he said

" right here " I said as I pushed him into the beach as I feel him pull me in with him

" no let go " I said

" nope " he said as he held onto me

" I hate you " I said as I hear him mumble something

" what was that " I said looking at him

" I said sure you do " he said

" oh I really do " I said as I got closer to him

" god your so gorgeous " he said making me skip a heart beat

" stop " I said as I looked down

" what can I not say your gorgeous " he said

" no " I said

" why " he asked

" well because I say so duhh " I said

" omg look " I said pointing at the sky

" it's beautiful " I said

" not as beautiful as you " he said as I smiled

" come I'm gonna show you something " he said pulling me out of the beach

" where are we going now " I asked him

" somewhere " he said as we walked up to a fairest wheel

" oh nooo what are you doing " I said trying to pull back

" we're gonna ride the fairest wheel " he said

" oh no we are not" i said

" why not "

" because we can get stuck and die and i would like to die with pece " i said

" i  promise that we are not gonna die " he said

" but i don't like roller coasters " i said

" its not a roller coaster " he said

" its worst then a roller coaster "i said still not convince to ride the fairest wheel

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