part 30

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we were now on our way to this " special event " i kept checking my phone every minute hoping to get a text from tae saying he talked to my mom but nothing . after a while we finally arrived to this " special event " the house was humongous . expensive ass cars all over the place .. this man opens the door for us and helps us get out

" welcome " he said bowing down as i smile and bow down .. what is this " special event ". we then walk in and people all over the place now i'm not talking about like a teenage party but like there was people . elegant people , with their wife's all dresses up , all of the sudden this woman and man come up to us

" i'm so glad you made it noah " the women said hugging him

" charlotte " she said not so happy but still greeted her and then looked over to us

" ahh look at these beauties " she said

" let me guess your his " she said coming towards me

" they are all mine " noah said as she shook her head lightly

" you are more gorgeous than I thought you would be , what's your name " she asked me

" kelsey " i said

" and i'm sarah " sarah said as i could tell the lady didn't care

" nice to meet you kelsey i'm grace i have a son around your age who i would love you to meet , he's ou- right here " she said pulling this guy towards me and i looked up and he looked familiar .. the guy .. the guy from the plane ride it's him

" vinnie this is kelsey, kelsey this is vinnie my son " she said

" hi i'm sarah " sarah said as vinnie nods

" why don't you guys follow me so i can show you around " grace said to noah and the rest as they nod and left me and vinnie alone

" um remember me " he said as i chuckled

" yeah the plane " i said

" yup that's me " he said smiling

" so this where you live huh " i said

" well um this is my house but i live in london for my job " he said

" what do you work as " i asked looking around the house

" model " he said

" yeah i can see that " i said as he chuckled

" here follow me " he said as i followed him upstairs. god this house is hugeeee

"why are we here " i asked him

" so your annoying sister won't bother us " he said i chucked

" hey um are you from here " he asked

" oh um no i'm from LA but noah is my donator ig so um " i said as he started laughing

" donator " he said as i chucked

" yup donator " i said

" i'm guessing you don't have a good relationship with him " he said looking at me

" you guessed right " i said

" and um you don't get along with your step mom or step sisters " he said

" yup " i said

" and um you only have like 5 or 3 friends " he said as i nod

" but people know you " he said as i nod and then look at him

" you don't like talking about your feelings cause you feel like your asking for attention "

" you rather stay in then go out "

" you push yourself too much "

" are u a stocker " i said as he started laughing

" what no i'm just good at reading people " he said

" mhmm " i said

" my turn " i said

" um you push yourself to make your parents proud "

"you don't tell anyone how you truly feel because they think your perfect "

" and you probably could get anything just by looking at it " i said as i looked over at him

" not bad " he said smiling all of the sudden i then feel my phone go off and it's joey , i ignore it and press decline

" your not gonna take that " he asked

" no it's probably not even important " i said


it's been a couple of minutes of me and vinnie just talking, getting to know each other. for some reason i started feeling better about everything going on right now . talking to him made me feel safe ig , after a while we went downstairs with our family to eat dinner, vinnie was sitting right in front of me , sarah next to me and the rest around us .

" so vinnie how was it meeting kelsey " noah asked

" oh um wonderful " he said looking me as i chuckled

" i'm glad to hear that " noah said

" kelsey how long are you staying here for " grace asked

" oh um maybe just a couple more days " i said as noah looked at me

" days i thought you were staying for 2 weeks " he said

" oh well i talked to my mom and she wants me home soon " i said

" we'll discuss this later " charlotte said , i could tell that noah was upset that i was leaving soon or upset i didn't tell him but it's not like he cares , he has never cared . i mean it doesn't really matter it doesn't hurt me or anything.. i have my beautiful mom , i don't need him ..

joey's pov

" has she talked to you at all " i asked sophia as i put cereal in my bowl

" no i already told you like 1000 times " she said

" plus what do you care " she said

" really soph " i said

" yeah why do you even care , you literally were just with the girl you were with when she was with you . " she said as i sigh and ignored her , why doesn't nobody understands this feeling i have towards kels , like it's just so hard to explain. i don't wanna like her , i don't want to hurt her , but i - i just don't even know at this point . i'm a whole mess and at this point i'm making kels feels so bad , that look on her face , the way she starting hitting me because she was so hurt . is it really a good idea if i keep going after her.. am i actually in love with her ..

" omg " sophia said

" what " i said

" the milk joey " she said as i saw the milk drop all over

" fuck " i said as i picked up some paper towels and started cleaning and then hear a phone go off . i didn't think much about it until it started going off like crazy , god who would be texting soph . i check and it's from tae , why is he texting my sister..

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hey loves, sorry for not updating as you guys know i was going through a very difficult time and just took time for myself:) i'm not fully back but i'm not gone either:/ . i will try to update as much as i can , i hope you guys stay safe and enjoy your holidays:)

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