part 25

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days passed by and today is the party , sophia was finally coming back , me and tae have gotten soo close and joey hasn't stop bothering me at all . i hope he's doing okay though...

" okay so it's a halloween party " i asked sophia as she nods through the screen

" why didn't you tell me sooner now i have to find a costume " i said

" uh i thought you knew it's october, october is all about halloween duhh" she said as i roll my eyes

" well i'm about to take a nap so  i'll see you soon " she said as i nod and hang up . i quickly text tae .

                               tae the dummy 🙃❤️

tae the party is a halloween theme so wear a costume dummy 

                                um i don't have one ...

me ether...

                                 pick you up at 4 so we can go to the halloween store and buy something:)

okayss :)

i turn off my phone and walk downstairs to see my mom

" what are you still doing here , you should be getting ready to leave " she said

" i'm not leaving " i said

" kelsey we already talked about this " she said

" i talked to him he let me stay for a other 2 days " i said as she sighs

" god what am i gonna do with you " she said

" aww i love you too mom " i said

" kels " she said as i was just about to walk upstairs

" yes " i said

" what's up with you and joey " she asked as i sigh

" nothing " i said

" you sure , he won't stop asking about you " she said

" yup and i don't care " i said lying . i do care but it's just for the best . he's never gonna change the more chances i give him the more he'll just mess up and continue hurting me . it's not just the fact he's hurting me but he knows he's doing it, and it doesn't even matter to him

" well i'm gonna go get ready i'm going out " i said

" with who " she asked

" tae and some friends " i said

" you and tae seem to be getting closer now " she said giving me a weird smile

" eww no he's my best friend " i said

" even better "she said as i feel weird and ignore what she said and walk upstairs. after a while tae finally texted me he was outside and i said goodbye to my mom and left

" there's my favorite girl " he said as i opened the door and smile

" are you exited for tonight " he asked as he drives

" uhh no really i'm not a party person but my friend is making me go so " i said

" ahh makes senses " he said

" yeah " i said

" is she cute " he asked looking at me as i chuckled

" yes she very gorgeous " i said

" you'll introduce me right " he said as i look down . i had a weird feeling about this .. it kinda upset me that tae wanted me to introduce him to soph i mean he can have other girls as his friends but it's always been me and him and soph is like my other best friend that would be so weird

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