Chapter One

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"Benji! Get your ass down here!"

I groaned and rolled over in bed. What a bitch. First she moves me five hours away to Barcelona, and now shes screaming at me at six in the morning.

"I'm up! Calm down!"

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! You will not speak to your mother that way!"

"Guess what, bitch," I mumbled under my breath, "just did."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, wincing at the thought of actually getting dressed and going to school.

I could fake sick, but I had already gave my mom trouble about going to school in the first place. She would never believe me.

So, I dragged myself out of bed and to the bathroom to take a shower.

* * *

After showering, getting dressed, and eating breakfast, I was off on my walk to school.

We had moved in only a few blocks away from the school, so riding the bus would be pointless. It would take longer to ride the bus than to walk.

I could drive, but my mom worked and had to leave before I left for school, so that was out of the question.

I didn't really mind walking, anyways.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, I arrived at the front doors of the school. I looked down at my watch and sae that, surprisingly, I wasn't running late.

As soon as I pushed open the door, I saw one guy that caught my eye-- and not in a good way- amidst the chaos of the hallway.

He leaned against the locker chewing his gum, and playing with a pack of cigarettes in his left hand. I don't know how he managed to get those in here and not be caught with them, but I brushed that off.

He had wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes that watched me with a chilling stare as I walked down the hallway.

He wore just a simple dark grey sweater and black skinny jeans. Despite the simplicity of it, he wore it well. He looked good in it.

I broke my gaze from his as to not run into someone while walking, then stopped at what was my locker. Or I thought it was, at least. That's what the paper said.

Looking down at the combination on the paper, I twisted the lock to the numbers. Then, the locker clicked open.

Besides a few things written out in sharpie, the locker was bare. Obviously.

After storing some stuff in the locker, I continued down the hallway with my schedule in hand. First period, Pre-calc. Great.

* * *

This isn't the best first chapter i've ever written... but I guess it's not the worst either. Actually no it might be the worst. It'll get better though, I promise.

ALSO IM FUCKING SCARED im on vacation and im in a bunk bed and my brothers above me and the whole bed is shaking and theres weird noises coming from up there like BITCH REMEMBER THAT YOUR SISTERR IS BELOW YOU PLS TELL ME YOUR JUST SHAKING YOUR FOOT. PLEASE.

     Alsooooooo thanks to fxckfxxlings for giving me the idea to make benji the new kid and a bunch of other stuff that I may use later in the story

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