Chapter Six

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         I woke up to a dm on twitter from none other than Jorge Garay.

Decided to like one of my tweets, huh? How'd you find me in the first place? Been looking my name up? ;)

     Shit. Had I liked one of his posts on accident? Obviously I had if he was messaging me about it. I had no idea what I was supposed to say to that. Should I just ignore it? Probably, but something in me wanted to talk to him.

Oh, shut up. I was just curious if the mysterious guy had an online presence.

     Good enough, I guess? Probably wasn't, but it's not like I could take it back now.

Ooo, you think I'm mysterious? Also, not much of on online presence. Just twitter. And an instagram I don't post on.

Maybe not mysterious, but you're not very open either. And I think I might have seen your ig. Is the profile pic a cat?

Yeah, actually, it is. He's my baby. Lucifer.

     I laughed. Of course this "dangerous" guy would name his cat Lucifer. 

Why am I not surprised? Anyways, i'm gonna go shower now.

Hot ;) don't have too much fun ;)

     I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone. I didn't understand what was so bad about him. He seemed nice enough. Maybe i'd ask Addy today.


     I walked into first period and tapped Addy's shoulder.

     "Hey," I said as I sat down beside her. "I have a quick question."

     She gave me a bright smile. I didn't understand how she could be so happy so early in the morning. "Shoot."

     "What's so bad about Jorge? I don't understand."

     Her smile dropped. "Why do you ask?"

     "I'm just curious." I chose not to tell her about messaging him this morning, as she probably wouldn't be too happy about it.

     "He's not a good guy, Benji," she warned once again. People needed to stop just saying that and start giving me reasons.

     "For what reason?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

     She sighed, I guess finally deciding to tell me. Took her long enough, but at least she was telling me in the first place. She looked around the room quickly before leaning in toward me.

     "There's rumors," she told me, her voice almost at a whisper.

     "What kind of rumors?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Why would a few rumors make her act like this about him?

     "Well... one is about his brother. He went missing a few years back and apparently there was evidence against Jorge. People think he killed his brother."

     My eyes widened. When she said rumors, I hadn't expected them to be that bad. He killed his brother? There was no way he could have done that. Absolutely no way. Right?

     "That's not all," she continued. "Some people say he skinned his cat."

     As terrible as it was, I had to keep myself from laughing at that one. Skinned his cat? Seriously?

     I just couldn't believe that one. Especially with how he was talking about his cat that morning. He wouldn't do that.

     I looked up at her and shook my head. "There's no way he did that. Either of them. There's no way. I won't believe it."

     She sighed, pulled away, and began speaking at a normal volume again. "Whatever, Benji. Just be careful. I know you only had one conversation with him yesterday, but he's good at reeling people in."

     I nodded, but knew I probably wouldn't listen to her advice. Jorge didn't seem that bad.

     "And then," she continued, "He'll fuck you up. And just, you know, fuck you."

     I gasped. "Addy! Seriously?!"

     She shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth, Benji. Anyways, if he didn't have a problem getting rid of his brother-"

     I sighed. "He didn't kill his brother, Addy!"

     "You don't know that. Like I was saying, if he didn't have a problem making his brother disappear... he'll hurt anyone else in a heartbeat."

     I rolled my eyes. "You don't know anything about him."

     She scoffed. "You've been here three days and you think you know him better than I do? You have no idea what kind of history I have with him."

     She huffed and turned away from me.

     Great. It was only my fourth day and I already made someone mad at me. Not surprising, I guess.


     The bell rang and I tried to apologize to Addy, but she walked away before I could even get a word out of my mouth.

     I don't know what type of history she had with Jorge, good or bad, but either way, what I said must've struck a nerve. I hadn't meant to say anything that might offend anyone, I was just curious.

     But, she was right. It was only my fourth day. It may not have felt like it with how surprisingly well I had adjusted to the school, but it still was. I had no right to tell her she knew nothing about him. I'm the one who knew nothing.

     I sighed and shoved my notebook into my back before slinging it over my shoulder. Mr. Harrington smiled at me as I left, but I was too exhausted to smile back.

     As soon as I left the room, I ran into Cayman. Literally.

     "Uh, hey..." I said awkwardly, tugging at my earlobe. "Sorry about that."

     "What'd you say to Addy?" He said, somewhat harshly.

     Great. Now he's probably mad at me too.

     "I only asked what was so bad about Jorge... I didn't realize it would upset her so much." My voice came out slightly shakily.

     He sighed and put his head in his hands. "It's fine then, I guess. You didn't know," he picked his head up. "It's just a sore subject for her."

     "Can I ask why?"

     He scoffed. "No. It doesn't concern you."

     I started to reply, but he was already walking away.

     "See ya, Benji!" He called, holding his hand in the air.


     I was so confused.

* * *

     HMMMM what's Addy hiding? 🧐

     Hey bitches. Sorry I didn't update for a few days, I was travelling, but the rest of the summer I'll be home and have plenty of free time to write!

     I got the idea to do rumors from @fxckfxxlings so thanks to them for that idea!

     Anyways, ily all and I hope you have a great day or night depending on what time you're reading this. See you next chapter <3



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