Chapter Seven

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Addy's Pov

Jorge stormed into the room and grabbed his brother by the collar of the shirt.

"How many times," He yelled, "Do I have to tell you to TURN THE FUCKING MUSIC DOWN!"

His brother winced and nodded nervously, signaling that he'd turn it down, but Jorge kept his grip on his shirt and his malice in his eyes.

I put my hand on his wrist. "Jorge, please. You've scared him enough. Go."

Jorge glared at me at let go of his brother's collar before storming out of the room, leaving as quickly as he came, and slamming the door behind him.

I took the boy next to me's hand and rubbed circles with my thumb.

"You can't keep letting him do that to you, baby. You need to stand up to him."

He gently pulled his hand away from

mine and stood up. "It's alright, Addy. I'm fine."


"I'm fine."


"Pass the butter?"

I ignored him. He could get his own fucking butter.

"Addy? Nico? Pass the butter," he said, slightly harsher than last time.

Nico looked up at him and reached for the salt, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't give it to him. If that asshole wants the salt he can get it himself," I said, glaring at Jorge the whole time.

"He's my brother, Addy," he whispered. "He's not an asshole."


I knocked on the door, and to my surprise Nico's mother answered the door, tears streaming down her face.

My happy expression from two seconds ago turned to one of worry and sympathy. "Is this a bad time, Ms. Garay? Are you okay?" I asked, my brows furrowed in concern.

"It's okay, Addy," She said, sniffling. "Come on in."

I cautiously entered the house behind her and followed her to the table, where she sat down and began sobbing.

"Do- do you want my to get you some tissues? Or make you some tea?" I asked, sitting across from her.

"Oh, no, sweetheart it's okay," she let out another sob before attempting to gather herself the best she could.

"I- Nico is... he's gone, Addy. Disappeared." Her attempt to gather herself failed, as she began shaking violently and tears spilled from her eyes again.

As much as I wanted to comfort her, I couldn't move from my seat. I could barely hear the sobs escaping her lips as they were drowned out my the white noise in my brain.

Gone? Disappeared?

How could that happen?

I willed myself not to cry as I took deep breaths to slow my quickening heart rate. I'm sure he'll be home soon. Yeah. He'll be home soon.

Ms. Garay spoke again. "And- and-" she stuttered a few times, and I could see the amount of effort she was putting in to speaking clearly. "I always knew my Jorge wasn't the best kid... but they suspect him..."

My head shot up. "Suspect him of what?"

She looked up at me sadly, her bottom lip quivering. "Murder."


He never came back home. Two years went by and he never came back. No one found him, alive or dead.

Despite it have happening two years ago, sometimes the pain felt like it was just yesterday.

When I had first found out, I spent every day trying to convince myself he would be back soon. Trying to convince myself that the police would find him. That Jorge, no matter how terrible he was, could do something that terrible.

But, as the days turned into week, the weeks to months, and eventually the months to years, I finally realized the truth. We would never get him back.

Maybe Jorge had murdered him, which I still doubted, or maybe he had been kidnapped and killed. Or, even maybe, he ran away from everything he knew.

But I knew they all meant one thing: I would never see him again.

He was my first love, and that's something you don't just forget about it, especially when something like that happens to them.

I still blame Jorge for what happened, because even though the chance that he actually killed Nico was very low, he still drove him away. And I just couldn't forgive him for that.

I had gotten past the pain for the most part, and I had moved on. But that didn't change the fact that I wanted revenge.

Jorge Garay needed to pay.

* * *

     It's so hard to write Jorge as a not good person bc hes just so... uwu. That's all i can say to describe that.

     Anyhow, what'd you think about Addy's chapter? Do you think it gave more reason to why everyones like "he's dAngErOuS"?

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