Chapter Four

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Benji's pov

     Not far from the lunch room, we arrived in a hallway where a skinny boy with short blonde hair was sitting.

     He looked up from his lunch and smiled at us.

     "Took you long enough. Thought maybe you left me to go fuck in the bathroom."

     Cayman rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up. We would've been back sooner, but someone wouldn't stop laughing."

     The boy smirked. "Hm. I wonder who that was," he said, looking Addy in the eyes.

     Addy rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You guys know that once the laughing starts it takes forever to stop. Now, cann we just eat?" She said, walking over to sit down.

     "No," the boy replied sarcastically, "We aren't allowed to eat during lunch. We get food only to sit and stare at it."

     "Oh, shut up," She replied, shooting a glare to him.

     Cayman sat beside the boy, Addy next to him, and me between Addy and the boy.

     "Oh," the boy said, looking over to me. "You must be the new kid. I'm Syd," he said with a smile.

     "Benji," I said, forcing a smile back. I was already nervous and I hadn't even had to talk much yet.

     "So," Syd began after taking a bite of his sandwich, "Where'd you move from? Or did you transfer from somewhere else near here?"

     "I moved here from Madrid," I replied, tugging on my earlobe from nerves.


     The other three fell into conversation, occasionally including me in it, but for the most part I just listened.

     When lunch was over, we threw away our food and were off to our next classes. I found out I had my next class with Syd, so luckily I didn't get lost on my way there.

     We walked into the art room and sat at a table in the corner.

     "This is where I usually sit. There's not many people in this class period so no one else sits at this table. I don't really mind, though."

     I nodded. "Cool."

     "This is one of my favorite classes. Not because I like art, it's just okay, but Ms. Ellis is really nice."

     Once again, I nodded and replied with, "Cool."

     Syd chuckled. "Is there any other words in your vocabulary?"

     Someone walked into the room and I looked up. It was Jorge.

     He watched me as he walked over to his seat, and I felt a chill go through my body. Something about him made me feel... nervous. But also slightly... exhilarated.

     "Hello? Benji?"

     I realized I was staring and felt heat go through my cheeks before looking back at Syd.

     "Uh... yeah. Sorry."

     Syd looked at Jorge and back at me. "Stay away from him. Okay?"

     I nodded and replied, "Yes," but I'm not sure I fully meant it.

     Jorge was mysterious. Dangerous. Things like that attract people.

     Despite how boring someone may be, everyone likes a little thrill every once in a while. But, with a little thrill comes a little danger.

     Not only that, but everyone knows one thing: that thrill only lasts for a short amount of time. It doesn't last forever.

* * *

     We love danger 😋😍🤪🤠😝

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