Chapter Three

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Whorehey's Pov

     I passed the boy again as I walked into the lunch room.

     I watched as he walked by, a small smirk on my face. There was something about him that made me attracted to him. Something different.

     He kept eye contact with me until the girl beside him nudge his shoulder, throwing a quick glare in my direction.

     Despite this, I kept watching him as he left the lunchroom.

     Once he was gone I walked over to the table where two of my friends sat, Noen and Milo, and threw myself in a seat, slinging my arm around Noen's shoulder.

     Noen rolled his eyes and shrugged my arm off of him.

     "So," Milo spoke, "I saw you eyeing the new kid. I bet you could get him easily. He seems... innocent. Bet you could be his first."

     "Milo..." Noen warned quietly.

     I scowled at him. "Really, Milo? I wasn't eyeing him. I had just never seen him before."

     "Yeah, and theres a lot of people here who you pay no attention to and probably haven't seen before. What's different about him."


     "Nothing," I replied, crossing my arms. "He's just like every other asshole in this school."

     "Whatever you say, Jorge," He said with a short laugh.

     "Anyways," I began, "You guys disappeared at the party on Friday. Where'd you go?"

     The two looked at each other quickly before Noen spoke.

     "We got bored. We went to get food, sorry we didn't tell you."

     I raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but didn't say anything about it. "It's fine..."

     Milo smoothly changed the subject and we just talked about random shit the rest of lunch.

     Once the bell rang, I was up and out of the cafeteria. My next class was art, my favorite class and also the only class I went to every day.


     I walked into the classroom, and to my surprise I saw the new kid sitting at a table in the corner. He was talking to another boy- Syd, I think his name is.

     The boy looked up at me as I walked into the room, and I watched as his eyes widened in surprise for just a second. I kept his gaze as I walked to my usual seat and sat down.

     I stayed stone faced, but as I sat down I guess the boy realized what he was doing, blushed lightly, and went back to talking to Syd.

     The bell rang and the teacher, Ms. Ellis, walked into the room.

     She looked over at the boy and smiled as she closed the door behind her. "Glad to know you found a seat."

     The boy nodded and smiled back at her.

     "This is Benji," She said, pointing to the boy. "It's his first day here, so I'm sure that all of you," she stopped, her gaze lingering on me, "won't be causing any trouble for him."

     Murmurs and nods went around the room.

     "Good," She smiled, then explained what we would be doing that day.

     Every once in a while I would glance over to the boy- Benji,- but he never looked over to me.

* * *

     Imma bad bich you cant kill me 😎

wow i hate myself

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