Chapter Thirteen

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    I watched with curiosity as Milo stormed out of the room. I contemplated going after him, but decided against it. When Milo got upset, it was best to give him space.

     I assumed he was upset because Noen, who was now shoving the girl off of him, was his best friend and he was upset the girl was doing that to him. It wasn't a great theory, but that was pretty much all I could come up with.

     Benji had looked over and notice Milo was gone, then followed after him. My eyes trailed him as he walked out of the room and I sucked in a breath. Fuck, he was hot.

     Maybe Milo was right. I'd love to get a piece of that. Although, I wasn't sure Benji was one for casual sex. He seemed like he was a commitment type of guy.

     Maybe I was wrong though. You never know.

     The game continued around me, Noen now gone and the girl who had kissed him now whispering and giggling with her friends. I, myself, wasn't playing, but it was interesting to watch, I guess.

     I mulled around for about an hour. Once I got bored of watching, I went to dance, and once I got bored of that I sat down on a couch with a drink in my hand. As fun as it was to be in the midst of drunk, sweaty, dancing teenagers- which, it case it wasn't obvious enough, is not the most fun thing in the world- I preferred observing.

     I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked up to see who it was.

     It was a pretty girl, who had long, brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She had a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks to her prominent cheek bones. Not to mention, her body was- damn. Thats all I could say. She was hot as fuck.

     Her plump lips spread into a smile. "Hey," she said as she sat down beside me. "You're Jorge, right?"

     I grinned mischievously. I already had ideas in my head for this one. "That's me."

     "Cool," she replied, scooting closer to me. "I'm Alyssa. But, names aren't really important, are they?"

     I liked where this was going.

     She slid her hand onto my inner thigh and rubbed shapes with her thumb on the fabric of my jeans.

     I smirked. "I do like a girl that knows what she wants."

     She grinned and brought her lips to me ear. Her soft hair tickled my cheek.

     "Oh," she whispered. "I know exactly what I want."

     Usually when girls- or guys- came up to me, I would decline their offers. As much of a man whore as I was, I had somewhat high standards. I was kinda known as the guy who would fuck anyone, and I guess people thought I was hot, so people take their chances. I mean, they call me ✨Whorehey✨for a reason.

     But, tonight, I was on my way to becoming very drunk, I was already kinda horny, and there was a hot girl with her hand on my thigh whispering sexually in my ear. What was I supposed to do? Say no?

     "Maybe," I replied in a low voice. "I can give you just that."

     She bit her lip.

     I stood up and took her hand as she giggled, standing up after me. I led her upstairs, hand in hand.

     I don't think I need to describe what happened next.

* * *

     She rolled over and flopped down beside me on the bed, breathing heavily.

     "Damn," she said, in between breaths. "That was amazing. We should do it again sometime."

     I resisted the urge to laugh and settled on a small smirk instead. 

     "Sorry," I replied. "I'm busy. For like... forever?"

     She turned her head to me. "What?"

     I turned my head and looked in her eyes with a lazy expression. "I'm not gonna fuck you again, Alexis. I don't do that shit."

     She huffed and got out of the bed, tugging her skirt down off her stomach. "Asshole."

     She grabbed her bag off the ground and stormed off before stopping the door. "Also," she said, turning around. "You could have at least learned my fucking name. It's Alyssa. Not Alexis. Fucking Assole. Go to hell."

     She slammed the door behind her.

     I didn't feel bad at all. Not for her, at least. But for me, just a bit. I still felt empty and numb- aside from the small voice inside me making me feel guilty for doing this.

     Deep down, I knew why I felt that way.

     But I'd never admit it.

* * *

     I know i've literally done like four chapters about this stupid ass party, but this is the last one, I swear. There was just too much tea for only one chapter.

     Anyways, I had like a mental breakdown earlier because I start school tomorrow and i'm fucking scared bc school makes me aNxIoUs and i don't feel like dealing with the asshole whos just an asshole to me (i swear to god if hes in one of my classes im gonna scream) or procrastinating homework or fake friends or just having no friends in general or my dumbass new principal whos strict as fuck or crushing on straight girls who will never reciprocate my feelings or crushing on my best friend who, despite liking girls, will still never like me back or just any of the stupid shit that goes along with school.

     Sorry for that mini rant but Basically, what I'm meaning to say is, i'm too anxious to sleep rn so i'm probably gonna be writing alot or maybe im too anxious to write and if i am than the chapters will be shit and all over the place so I apologize in advance.

     K bye broskis


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