Chapter Twelve

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     I walked back into the house very confused, but decided to shake it off. I mean, Milo and I had an entire project to do together. That would be plenty of time for me to figure out what was going on.

     The game was still going on, but Noen wasn't playing anymore. Instead, he was standing nervously against a wall, probably waiting for Milo to come back in.

     As I walked toward him, he stopped me with a concerned expression. "Where's Milo? Is he mad at me? Did he leave? He shouldn't be driving, he drank a lot. Did he get in the car? Did he come in-"

     I put my hand on his shoulder and held back a grin. "Slow down. I don't know where he went, he stormed off after I talked to him."

     "So he was mad?" Noen ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. I shouldn't have even played the stupid game. Wait. What did he say when you talked to him?" He looked up at me expectantly.

     I sucked in a breath. "He was kind of mad, but not at you. At the girl. If I remember correctly, he said something along the lines of, 'She had her time. She can't kiss him like that. He's mine.'"

     "Shit. I've gotta find him," He rushed past me, brushing past my shoulder, and not leaving me any less confused than before.

     I saw Addy walking up to me- er, more like bouncing over to me- a wide smile on her face. "Benji!" she engulfed me into a hug. "Where have you been? I've been having sooooo much fun."

     I chuckled and patted her back. "Uh... yeah... I can see that. You're drunk."

     She giggled and pulled away from me, her smile not wavering. "Drunk on happiness!" She turned and someone caught her eye, causing her voice to raise. "Look! It's Syd. I'm gonna go say hi."


     "See ya, Benji."

     And with that, I was standing alone once again.

     And then I saw him. Holding hands with a giggling girl. Walking up the stairs.

     And I felt a pang in my heart that I couldn't quite explain.

* * *

     I saw Cayman walking over to me, an arm slung around a stumbling Addy's shoulders.

     "Jesus," I said as they got closer. "How much did she drink?" I looked Addy up and down in concern.

     "Not thaaaat much," Addy replied with a sly grin. "Just a little."

     I chuckled and nodded. "Alright, Addy. Whatever you say." I looked around. "Where's Syd? I think it's about time we head out."

     Cayman looked at me with a smirk. "Oh, I don't think Syd will be coming home tonight."

     My eyes widened and my lips spread into a grin. "Wow," I joked, "what a player."

     "I know, ri-"

     Addy made a gagging noise.

     "Yeah, we should probably go..."


* * *

     Cayman drove us back to Addy's house and carried Addy, who had fallen asleep on the drive home, to her bedroom.

     Now, Cayman and I sat on the floor of Addy's bedroom in an awkward silence.

     I hadn't talked to Cayman much before, as I didn't have any classes with him. Sure, I saw him at lunch and stuff, but that was with Addy and Syd. They usually did most of the talking, while Cayman and I butted in every once in a while.

     "So..." Cayman started. "How's... life?"

     I laughed. "How's life? Really?"

     He glared at me playfully. "At least I'm trying to start a conversation, instead of sitting here in silence."

     "Well excuse me if I have no idea what to talk about." I shot back.

     "And I do?"

     "I don't know!"

     We sat in silence for a few more moments, trying to come up with a topic of conversation.

     "Oh! I have a question," I said nervously. I hoped my question wouldn't make him angry with me.

     "Alright," he replied, leaning his back up against the wall. "Shoot."

     I tugged on my earlobe. "Uh... who... who's Nico?"

     His head quickly swiveled toward me. "It's not my place to say. I didn't know him."

     I sighed. I hadn't thought I would get anything out of him.

     "Can you at least tell me his full name? So I can look him up? No one will even know you told me," I asked, hopefully.

     He hesitated, scratched the back of his neck. "Uh..."

     "C'mon. Pleaseee?"

     "Uh... I can't," He said, though I could tell part of him wanted to tell me.

     "Cayman. Please. No one will know it was you who told me," I pleaded.

     "Benji- Actually... you know what? Fuck it."

     My eyes lit up. "You'll tell me?"

     He nodded. "Yeah. But don't tell Addy I told you."

     I nodded hastily. "I won't. I swear."

     "Okay," he took a deep breath. "Nicodemus. Nicodemus Garay."

* * *

     Hey broskis, I hope you eNjOyEd the new chapter. It was a bit boring, but like... I don't really give a shit.

     Also, would you guys like a chapter in Noen or Milo's pov? If so, who's would you prefer?

    P.S. - school starts on the ninth for me, and once it does i'm going to try to get some type of schedule for writing. I'll probably be trying to post two-three times a week, on Tuesdays, Saturdays, and sometimes Thursdays.

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