Chapter Five

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That night, I pulled out my phone and decided do some online stalking. This Jorge guy couldn't be that bad, could he?

     I opened instagram and searched his name: Jorge Garay. I had figured out his last name from the multiple times Ms. Ellis had gotten mad at him during art class.

     An account came up, but I had no way of knowing if it was his. The profile picture was a picture of a cat, and there was no posted pictures.

     I moved on to facebook. No luck there.

     Then, I searched on twitter. Jackpot.

     His profile picture was a picture of him with a banana in his mouth, and the newest tweet of his read, "😎
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     Wow. Very... interesting?

     I scrolled through his tweets and saw many odd things tweeted, but thats just how he was I guess.

     After scrolling for a while, I got tired and decided to go to sleep. I shut off my phone, plugged in it, and laid down.

     My eyes closed like curtains. First day was a success. Let's hope the rest of the year goes just as well.


     I walked into first period rubbing my eyes and stifling a yawn. I had woken up late and exhausted, leading me to have to rush out the door.

     I still made it to school on time, which was a great feat on my part.

     I sat down beside Addy and she grimaced.

     "Rough morning?"

     I laughed shortly. "Is it that obvious?"

     She smiled sadly and looked me up and down. "Yeah," she replied smoothing out my sweatshirt. "But I'm sure you'll be fine."

     The bell rang and Addy turned to look at the empty seat in the corner.

     "Well, Looks like Jorge isn't-" 

     "Well, well, well," Mr Harrington began. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence."

     Addy and I turned our heads to see Jorge walking in with a smirk on his lips.

     "Hello, Robert. Miss me?"

     Mr. Harrington rolled his eyes. "You will respect me in my classroom. Do not call me by my first name. Now, sit down, Mr. Garay."

     "Make me," He shot back

     "Mr. Garay you will sit down right-"

     "Huh," Jorge began, "I wonder how your wife would feel," he dropped his voice, but I could hear him faintly. "if she found out you've been fucking the senior girl in your third period class."

     My eyes widened in shock.

     Mr. Harrington's composure faltered for a second, but he regained it quickly. "I have done no such thing," he replied calmly, his tone at a whisper. "Now, you will go sit down right now or there will be consequences."

     "Whatever you say, Mr. Harrington." Jorge winked, then calmly walked to his seat and sat down.

     The teacher took a deep breath and walked to the front of the classroom.

     "Now," he began. "Let's start today's lesson."


     After class, I gathered my things quickly and walked up to Jorge. I had never spoken to him before, and I was a bit nervous. I usually waited for people to talk to me first.

     "Benji, wait up!" I heard Addy call after me. I ignored her.

     I tapped Jorge's shoulder, and he turned and looked at me. He looked somewhat surprised, but masked it well.

     "How did you know that?"

     "Know what?" he asked.

      "How did you know about Mr. Harrington and that girl?"

     He chuckled lightly. "I met the girl at a party. Must've had one too many drinks, because she spilled all her secrets to me."

     "Oh. Huh."

     "Yeah. After that I fucked her. She was pretty good."

     "Oh, wow," I said, my eyes widening. "You're very..." I struggled to find the right word. "honest?"

     "Sure, Benji. Honesty. Now, can I go?" He asked gesturing to the door.

     I stepped back distractedly and he walked past me. I didn't realize he knew my name before then.

     I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Addy looking at me with concern.

     "Trust me, you need to stay away from him. It's only your second day and you've already talked to him. He's a fuckboy, Benji. He breaks people's hearts."

     "I won't have to worry about that," I replied, looking at her harshly. "I'm not gay, and if I were, I would not have a thing for that guy. You jump to conclusions."

     She smiled slightly. "Whatever you say, Benji," she said before walking away.

     "I'm not gay! I've dated girls!"

     She just laughed and continued walking.

* * *

     Tweet from back in june bitchess 😎


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