Chapter Fourteen

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     I woke up with the sunlight burning my eyes and pulled myself into a sitting position on the floor. I looked across the room and saw that Addy and Cayman were cuddling in the bed, still asleep, and that right beside the bed the clock read 11:34. That was late enough to wake them up. I was already getting bored.

     "Addddyyyyy," I called. "Cayyyyyymannn. Wake up!"

     I heard a grunt as Addy rolled over in the bed. "Fuck off."

     I stood up a walked over to the bed, a small smirk on my face. "Wake upppp. I'm boredddd."

     "You're also acting like a two year old. Fuck. Off," she snapped.

     I rolled my eyes. "Alright. You asked for it."

     She scoffed as I walked away toward the bathroom. Like I said, I was bored and wanted them to wake up. As soon as possible.

     I grabbed a cup from the counter top and filled it to the brim with water from the sink before walking back to the bedroom and standing over the bed once again. Only, this time, I had a plan.

     "Last chance."

     "Benjiii..." she moaned, her face twisted in annoyance and her eyes still closed.

     I smirked as I held the water over her head and tipped the glass, letting the water fall all over her and Cayman.

     They immediately started yelling and cursing. I didn't feel bad at all.

     "What the fuck!" Cayman yelled, followed by a thump from him falling out of the bed. 

     "I swear to god I will fucking murder you!" Addy screeched.

     I just laughed.

     "I wanna go to the mall. Get dressed. I'll be downstairs. And, I guess to make up for what I did, I'll have some water and ibuprofen waiting for you. Hurry up, now."

     I left the room and shut the door behind me, but the two's cursing could still be heard from the end of the hallway. I was such a good friend.

* * *

     Cayman walked down the stairs practically dragging a pained Addy behind him.

     "Babe... why is the world spinning? Make it stop. Cay, make it stop."

     Cayman stifled a laugh and looked back at her sympathetically but said nothing. He sat down at a bar stool and Addy sat beside him, immediately laying her head down.

     "Okay," I began, "let's go."

     "No," Addy moaned. "Please don't make me. I feel like i'm dying."

     "That, my friend," I replied with a smirk, "is called a hangover. Drink some water, take some pills, and get the fuck over it."

     "I can't, you asshole."

     "You can, you just don't want to."

     She lifted her head from the counter and glared at me. "I. Can't."

     I crossed my arms over my chest and mimicked her glare. "You can. And you're going to feel a hell of a lot worse if I have to drag you out of here than if you willingly go. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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