Chapter Ten

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 I walked up to the door of what was supposed to Addy's house. I was pretty sure I had the right address, but you never know what might happen.

I rang the doorbell and waited a few moments before the familiar black haired girl opened the door.

She gave me a wide smile and waved me inside. "Come on in. Your the last one here, but thats okay. We ordered pizza, it should be here pretty soon."

"Uh... okay." I walked into the house nervously. I hated new things.

I made it to the living room and sat on the couch beside Syd, who was sitting with his head on Cayman's shoulder and watching the movie on the screen.

Cayman looked over to me and smiled slightly. "Hey."

I smiled back, possibly a bit awkwardly. I mean, I had only known these people for two weeks.

For all I know, the could be psycho serial killers looking to make me their next victim. I don't think i'd handle being tortured very well.

Despite my entirely unfounded worries, I settled myself comfortably on the couch and turned my attention to the movie.


"Alright bitches! Let's go," Syd yelled, jumping off of the couch once the movie was over.

Cayman laughed. "Someone's excited."

"Yeah I am. What are you gonna do about it," he joked, getting in Cayman's face.

Cayman opened his mouth to reply, but Addy grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

"C'mon, guys, lets go."

Syd slumped his shoulders and followed slowly behind them. "I just said that..." he murmured before raising his voice. "And you didn't have to steal him away from me!"

I couldn't see Addy's face, but I assumed she rolled her eyes. It seemed like that would be her reaction to that. "He's my boyfriend, Syd!"

"Whatever," he muttered before looking behind him at me. "Oh. Hey Benji."

I held back a small laugh. "Did you just notice me?" I asked, grinning.

"I noticed you earlier, but I guess I kinda forgot you were here. I've gotten used to just being their third wheel," he nodded at Addy and Cayman, who were holding hands as they walked down the driveway.

"But now I can talk to you when they're off in love land," he said with a grin, nudging my shoulder.

I forced a smile back.

We got to the car and climbed into the backseat.

"Took you long enough," Addy joked.

"Oh, yeah," Syd shot back. "It's not like we were two seconds behind you. We definitely took forever."

He had a grin on his face, but his tone seemed harsh. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. Although, I would probably end up forgetting.

Cayman shot Syd a quick look of concern before turning back around. I guess he had noticed too. Addy, however, was in her own world.

She flashed her usual wide toothy smile and looked at us all. "Ready?"

"It's a party, Addy. Not some life changing event," I reminded her.

She glared at me playfully. "Shut up. Again, Ready?"

No one answered.

"Okay," she said turning back around to face the front. "We're not moving until you reply. Ready?"

Syd's head whipped around and her words. I guess he was really excited. "Ready!"

He replied forcefully.

"Thank you, Syd. Okay. Let's go."

* * *

     This was kinda a filler chapter but the next one is much longer and has some tea 🍵  so stay tuned ;).

     Also sorry it's taking me a bit to get chapters out my mEntAl hEaLtH isn't great rn and i've pretty much been either sleeping , binging stranger things, or staring at my ceiling all day, so I haven't had much motivation. But, I actually ate a decent meal today, drank a glass of water, and changed my clothes, so i'm making progress.

     Anyways, you obviously don't care about my mental health, so see you next chapter bitches. ily all <3


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