Chapter Two

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     It took me a bit to find the classroom, but I made it just on time. I walked through the door just as the bell rang.

     The teacher up from his book and locked eyes with me before grinning and walking over to me.

     "You must be Benji," he said. "Our new student."

     I took a deep breath and nodded. Half of the class couldn't care less about me, but the other half all had their eyes glued on me. I didn't like having attention drawn to me.

     He pointed to the desk beside a cute girl with black hair that had barrettes in it. I couldn't see her face as she had her head down, scribbling in her notebook.

     "You can sit beside Addy. That's the only open seat we have, unless you want to sit beside Jorge, so lets hope you get along well."

     He began to walk back to his desk, but I stopped him.

     "Who's Jorge? And why wouldn't I want to sit beside him?"

     The teacher just sighed. "That boy is a trouble maker if I've ever seen one. He's not here right now, probably decided to skip class, but maybe you'll get to meet him tomorrow."

     I just nodded and began to walk over to the desk he assigned me.

     "Oh, and Benji?"

     I turned around and looked at him.

     "My names Mr. Harrington, just so you know."

     I nodded.

     I took my seat beside the girl- Addy- and immediately she looked up from her notebook with a smile.

     "I overheard Mr. Harrington talking to you. You're new here?"

      I nodded, trying to force myself to not be awkward.

     "Yeah. I just moved here from Madrid. My names Benji." I tugged my earlobe slightly, my nervous tick.

     "Ooo Madrid. Fancy. And, I'm Addy," she said. "I'm sure Mr. Harrington told you that already, but just incase he didn't I figured I should tell you."

     "Cool," I replied, a small smile tugging at my lips. Her bubbly energy was a bit contagious.

     Then, she turned around and pointed to a boy in the far corner.

     "That's Cayman over there. He's my boyfriend. I sit with him and one other boy at lunch if you want to join us?"

     Wow. It was only first period and it seemed I was on the road to making a few friends.

     "Yeah. Sure."

     She smiled wider, which I hadn't thought was possible. "Cool."

     I zoned out as Mr. Harrington spoke, and my mind went back to the boy I saw that morning. He gave me a bad feeling. He seemed... dangerous.

* * *

     Finally, lunch rolled around, and after grabbing my food from the lunch line I looked around the cafeteria for Addy.

     Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped, almost dropping the tray that was in my hands.

     She covered her mouth to stifle a laugh, but it didn't work to well and she began giggling uncontrollably.

     "I'm- I'm sorry," she said between laughs. "I didn't mean- to scare you."

     I rolled my eyes playfully. "I don't see how me almost dropping all my food is that funny."

     "Sorry," she replied, but didn't stop laughing.

     As she began to calm herself down, the boy she had pointed out to me earlier walked over and put his arm around her shoulders.

     "Sorry," he said to me, holding Addy up. "When she starts laughing it's a bit hard for her to stop. If you haven't noticed already, she has a lot of energy all the time."

     "Oh, i've noticed," I replied with a quiet chuckle.

     "I'm Cayman, by the way," he said, giving me a small smile.


     Finally, Addy got herself calmed down and began talking again. It seemed like she always had something to say, but I didn't mind. It stopped me from having to talk.

     "We eat out in the hallway," she told me, pointing to the cafeteria doors. "Syd is already out there waiting for us."

     As we made our way out to the hallway, we passed the boy I saw that morning. Again, he watched me as I walked, a small smirk on his face. 

     I didn't break eye contact with him, as much as I wanted to. There was something about him.

     Addy took notice to this and nudged my shoulder.

     "Don't get involved with him."

     I looked at her in confusion.

     "Why? Who is he?"

     "That's Jorge. He's just not the best person. You'll figure that out soon enough, especially if you two keep eyeing each other like that."

     "Huh," is all I said in response, my mind being filled with different thoughts.

     Both Mr. Harrington and Addy warned me about him. I don't know what he was playing at, but they were probably right. I needed to stay away from him.

* * *

     Oop look at Whorehey making everyone scared of him. How cute 😊


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