Chapter Nine

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*time skip of  a week bc im a lazy bitch*

 After we had talked in art class, I wouldn't say Jorge and I were exactly friends, but we talked to each other sometimes.

I sat with him one other day in art class and it was nice. He was actually a really cool guy, and it made me mad that people thought of him any differently.

I had been finding myself looking forward to going to art class everyday. Again, like every other day that week, I was excited. But, I was stuck in Mr. Millers boring fucking history class.

I walked into third period, exhausted and ready to sleep through the class. Mr. Miller had droned on about random shit the first week and a half I had been here, so why not today?

The bell rang and I began digging in my bag for my notebook.

"Okay, class."

I looked up at the sound of my history teacher's voice.

"You're going to be doing a project."

A chorus of groans sounded from around the room.

"Oh, come on. You're in school to learn. Stop complaining. Anyway, the project. I'll be assigning you all a partner to work with. You'll start on the project tomorrow and it will be due at the end of the month."

He began listing names, and I waited patiently until mine was called, almost the last one.

"Milo and Benji."

I wasn't upset with that. Milo didn't seem terrible. I mean, I hadn't spoken to him yet, but he seemed nice enough.

After Mr. Miller finished announcing groups, I felt a tap on my shoulder and just about launched myself out of my chair.

"Shit, man," I heard the voice behind me chuckle. "You scare really easily."

The boy walked around in front of me and I saw that it was Milo, obviously. I was an idiot.

"Sorry," I gave an apologetic smile.

"Anyways, apparently you're my partner. That's cool enough I guess. You seem pretty boring though, but whatever."

I pretended to not be offended and ignored his statement about me seeming boring. "Yeah. I was thinking we could start working on it tomorrow at my place?"

Milo just laughed. "Nope. I'm busy. There's a huge party Friday. I can't miss it."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course."

He laughed, again. "See, boring."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You didn't even know about the party. And now that you do, you're acting pretty uptight."

I scoffed. "You don't even know me. I am not uptight."

"Really? If you're 'not uptight,' come to the party tomorrow. Show me just how fun you really are." He smirked

"Maybe I will," I replied, crossing my arms.

"See you there, then."

The bell rang and he started to turn around.

"I said 'Maybe'."

"Whatever, Brennan," he said, walking out of the class room.

"It's Benji!" I called after him. He just ignored me.


I sat down beside Addy with a sigh.

"What's that sigh for? Bad day already?"

"I guess. I got paired up with this guy Milo for a-"

"Hold on," Syd interrupted. "Milo? That guy that hangs around with Jorge?"

"I don't fucking know. Anyways, apparently i'm going to a party tomorrow night now. Have you guys heard about that?"

"Everyone knows about that party, dude," Cayman said, as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

I looked down at my hands. "Well I didn't know until today. Are any of you going."

Addy laughed sarcastically, and I raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" I asked.

"Do you actually think," she laughed, "That we would be going to that party."

"It seemed kinda cool to me," Syd muttered.


"What?" he replied. "I've never been to a high school party before. It could be fun!"

"You guys should come with me," I said, agreeing with Syd. "I'm not gonna know anyone there."

"You'll know Jorge," Cayman mocked, "The boy you've been shooting heart eyes at," he cooed.

Addy slapped his shoulder, but she was laughing lightly as well. "Don't mock him like that!"

I gasped. "You agree with him?"

Addy slowly stopped laughing and nudged me with her shoulder. "You are kinda looking at him..."

"Don't say it," I warned.

"Like you're maybe just..."


"Maybe just a tad bit attracted to him," She concluded, jokingly hiding her face in her hands.

My jaw dropped slightly. "Come on! Syd?"

He just looked off into the distance and twiddled his thumbs, pretending to have not heard me.

"Seriously?! I told you, I'm not gay! I'm not attracted to him in the slightest!"

They all just ignored me, probably assuming I was lying. I wasn't. I was straight as a pole. 

"It's alright if you're gay, Benji... we don't mind," Addy said softly.

"I'm not."

"Okay..." She said, dropping the subject.

"Anyways," She continued, "Um... how are you liking the school, Benji?"

"I'd be alot better if people stopped accusing me of being gay."

Addy crossed her arms. "You say that like it's a bad thing, Benji. I already told you, we don't mind if you're gay."

"It's not a bad thing," I said, crossing my arms to mimic her. "I'm just not."

"Okay, Benji... You're definitely not..."

"Exactly. You're finally starting to get it."

* * *

     This chapter took me a long fucking time to write and its shitty but we gonna ignore that okay bbys?

     Anywayyyyssss next chapters gonna be great bc its a party and we all know fun stuff happens when people are drunk, so yayyyy.

     Okay my cool ranch doritos locos tacos with extra cheeses, i'll see you next chapter.

     bYe LuVs xX


wtf is wrong with me lmao

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