Chapter Eleven

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    "Hey, Brennan, you came!" Milo exclaimed, walking over to us from across the room.

"It's Benji," I muttered. He ignored me.

"So," he said, looking Addy up and down. "Who's this lovely lady you've got here?"

I was about to reply, but Cayman got there first.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. "She's my girlfriend."

"It's alright, Cayman," Addy whispered to him before holding a hand out to Milo. "I'm Addy. And this is Cayman," she said gesturing to the boy holding her.

"Do you not remember me?"

He raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Sweetheart, I don't remember the people I fuck in bathrooms when I'm shit faced."

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I wouldn't even touch you with a ten foot pole, sweetheart. I was Nico's boyfriend. I talked to you multiple times."

His face dropped. I wondered who Nico was.

"O-oh. I guess I kind of blocked that- everything about Ni- him- out of my mind." He scratched the back of his neck.

Addy nodded sympathetically. "I get it. I did that when I first found out, but it's easier to let things out. You can't even say his name."

"Yes I can," Milo shot back.

"Then say it."

"N- Nico." He said, hesitantly.

"You stuttered," she replied.

"Nico. There. Are you happy now?"

He stormed off to the kitchen. Probably to get a drink.

"Who's Nico?" I asked hesitantly. It must be a sore topic.

"It doesn't matter," she replied, quickly putting on a face of happiness.

I was worried about her.

She scanned the room quickly. "Where the hell did Syd go?"

I looked away from where Milo disappeared to and looked around the crowded room, not seeing Syd anywhere.

"Uh... I have no idea," I responded, still looking around. "He must've wandered off."

Addy gave an exasperated sigh. "Well somebody go find him! Babe?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine..." Cayman said hesitantly. "He can handle himself."

Addy glared at him.

"On second thought, I should definitely go find him." He rushed off, leaving Addy and I standing awkwardly.

"So," I began, breaking the silence. "You want some drinks?"


The girl spun the bottle, giggling as it landed on the purple-haired boy sitting across from her.

A little bit after we arrived at the party, a group of people gathered to play spin the bottle, and me and Syd had decided to join.

Cayman had found Syd doing just fine, having the time of his life, and brought him back to us.

Anyways, the game had just started and the girl who had spun was the second to go.

Her friend whispered something in her ear that caused her to blush. Still giggling, she clumsily crawled across the floor to the boy, a grin on her face.

"Yeah, Noen!" Someone in the circle yelled.

Milo cleared his throat and Noen looked over at him, shifting uncomfortably. He mouthed something, but I couldn't tell what he said.

Milo had been on edge since we got here, or at least since he and Addy talked. I was really curious as to who Nico was, and why Milo got so choked up about it.

"20 seconds," the girl told Noen. "Or maybe even a little longer," she winked, then pressed her lips hard against his.

I looked at Milo, who was visibly uncomfortable but seemed to be trying to hide it the best he could. I had no idea why.

The group counted, and when they reached twenty Noen pushed the girl softly back, but she wasn't done yet, apparently.

She growled against his lips and and pressed her lips harder against his, refusing to pull away. Her friends cheered from across the room, but most everyone else just watched awkwardly.

"Damn," Syd said from the left of me, grimacing. "Poor Noen."

I nodded. That girl must be really desperate.

I looked to the right of me and saw that Milo was gone.


I tapped on the boy's shoulder and he turned around and glared at me.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"I know we don't like... actually know each other... but are you alright?" I asked him, concern evident on my face.

I hadn't seen what Milo looked like when he left, I just assumed he went to get a drink, but when I went to look for him in the kitchen he wasn't there.

I had thought maybe he went to get some air or something, and lo and behold there he was. I hadn't expected him to be so angry, though.

"She can't just do that!" He yelled, his brows furrowed in anger.

"Woah, slow down. Who can't do what?"

"I'm not talking about this with you," he snapped. "I don't even know you."

"Is this about spin the bottle? It's just a game, Milo-"

"I don't fucking care," he interrupted me. "She got her twenty seconds! She doesn't get to fucking kiss him like that! He's mine!" he growled.

"It's- Wait, what? What do you mean?" My face twisted in confusion.

Milo took a step toward me, now standing inches away from me. He put a finger on my chest and shoved me lightly, but I was still slightly terrified.

"Fuck off, whatever the hell your name is. And don't you fucking repeat what I just told you to anyone."

I gulped and nodded, and he stormed off.

What the fuck just happened?

* * *

     Oop- tea.... 🍵

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