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[ stop!! have you read my first book?? no? go back!!

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"There's no one like you." Billy's hands seemed to be at a different place on Lili's body with every electric guitar riff.

"I can't wait for the nights with you." The couple engaged in passionate kisses and embraces as if it were the last time they would.

"I imagine the things we'll do." Billy looks forward everyday to seeing Lili. It's the month of June, the first, to be exact. Billy had an interview tomorrow to be a lifeguard. He hasn't told Lili yet since she works there as well. He doesn't know how she'll react but he hates the glances that the lowlife, Cory Walichs, gives her.

"I just want to be loved by you." Lili's favorite part of the day was always Billy. He'd pick her up from work and drive her to a new place every night. They'd make out in the back of his car and if Billy was lucky, she'd invite him for more. They were both eighteen, legally adults, so there was no harm in it. Not that there was when they did it in high school.

"No one like you!" The song ended and a new one began, but Lili had other things on her mind than to stay here with Billy.

"Billy." Lili tapped Billy's shoulder to get his attention. "Billy." She repeated herself.

"What?" He mumbled his words into her neck with a slight annoyance.

"I have to go," she told him. He stopped moving and he seemed to contemplate the importance of what Lili had to do tonight.

"No." Billy went back to pressing heated kisses to her neck.

"Yes. I have to meet Robin and Sue-" Lili was cut off with a loud groan.

"I don't wanna let you go," Billy pouted. Lili only gave him a small smile as she pecked a kiss to his puckered lips.

"You're going to have to," Lili said. "If you want to get to that interview tomorrow."

Billy's wide eyes settled on Lili with a slight fear in them. "How did you know about that?"

"You really thought I wouldn't find out?" Lili laughed. "You know Cory tells me everything, right?"

Billy made an unpleasant noise and pinched the bridge of his nose. "God I hate him."

"Why?" Lili catechized.

"'Cause he thinks that you're single." Billy huffed out an irritated sigh.

"I've told him many times that I'm with you-"

"But he doesn't get that through his thick skull," Billy shook his head. "That's partially the reason why I applied."

It was Lili's turn to groan. "Billy, you can't keep on trying to hover over me everywhere I go. That's how I got fired from the arcade. The arcade. Keith doesn't give a damn if I drank on the job but you made him so pissed off that he had to fire me."

"I didn't like the way he looked at you!" Billy defended.

"You don't like the way anyone looks at me," Lili pointed out.

"That's not true," Billy argued. "Your friends look at you fine."

"Robin's a lesbian," Lili said. She wanted to see if that would change his mind.

"She's gay?" Billy raised his eyebrows. "Damn, before you, I kinda dug her."

"Ew," Lili scrunched her nose in disgust.

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