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[ this is a short one sorry :( ]

"Oh my god," Lili panted as she ripped the blindfold off her face. She was staring at the TV static playing and listening to its electronic echo. Only that was the problem, she couldn't hear anyone else. She dared to look over her shoulder, only to be met with no one.

"El?" Lili called out for her sister. "Max? Nancy?"

When no one answered, Lili got up and started to look around the room. She turned back to the TV that was still on to the static station. Her breathing became limited as she thought of a way out of there.

That's when she heard a whimper. At first, Lili jumped back and was about to run, but she realized that it didn't belong to an animal.

She walked hesitantly over to her room and leaned her ear against the door. Nothing. She walked slowly over to Hopper's room and quietly pulled the curtain back. Nothing. She closed the curtain and turned around.

A woman sat on the couch, staring right at Lili. Lili yelped and shot her hand out, but the woman didn't move.

The woman was blonde with beautiful light brown eyes. Lili moved to the right, but the woman's eyes didn't follow. Lili looked behind herself to see the TV and looked back to see if that was what the woman was looking at. Lili touched the TV and suddenly, a gasp escaped from the woman.

Lili turned around abruptly again to face the woman. The woman was standing now, staring right at the TV in fear. Lili furrowed her eyebrows as she slowly stepped towards the woman. She reached out and lightly touched the woman's arm.

The woman sucked in a breath and turned to head to look at Lili. Her eyes locked with hers and Lili could've sworn that a flash of herself was seen in her eyes.

The woman let out a trembling breath. "Mary?"

Lili tilted her head in confusion, but she heard something from Hopper's room and she whipped her head that way.

Billy emerged from the curtains to look straight at Lili. He had a dark sinister look in his eyes as he stalked forward. Lili was frozen. She was frozen in fear, confusion and sadness.

"I wouldn't touch her," Billy said in a voice that wasn't quite his own. Immediately, Lili yanked her hand away from the woman's arm.

"Billy, please..." Lili whispered.

"Billy is gone," Billy said. He took another step forward. "We are the new age."

"I don't..." Lili shook her head. "I don't understand."

"You will," Billy had tears in his eyes. "Once you realize our mission, you will gladly give yourself up."

"What?" Lili breathed. "What mission? Killing people? Ripping lives apart?"

"Those are the small but necessary steps-"

"To what?!" Lili shouted. She didn't know what came over her. The woman beside her started to fade away. "No!" Lili clawed at the air where the woman once stood.

"What happened?!" Lili asked Billy. Tears slipped down his face.

"Your past and future and undetermined," he said simply.


"What did you see?" Billy asked her suddenly. His voice seemed to be normal, but Lili didn't want to take a chance. She scrunched her nose.

"What do you mean, what did I see?"

"I mean..." Billy growled. "What did you see?"

"Where?!" Lili demanded.

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