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Lili let out an ear-piercing scream as Cory's hand with the scissors came down and across her face, slashing her skin open from the top of her left eyebrow to her left cheek. She fell back and Cory took big strides towards her.

She shot her hand out and pulsed him to the wall. She got up and ran to where Jonathan and Nancy were to warn them. When she got there, a tall blond man stood in front of the pair and they looked up at him in horror.

Nancy caught Lili's eye and she widened her own, telling her not to come near. Lili turned and bolted down the other hallway.

"Lili..." Cory sang as he walked faster down the hallway. Lili looked over he shoulder to see him walking as if she wasn't sprinting.

There was a fire exit at the end of the hall and Lili pushed the door open to quickly make her way down the stairs. As she was running down what seemed to be a million steps, the door above her shattered and she screamed in terror. She felt pieces of metal and glass rain down on her as she pushed the door open to the third floor.

She ran into a faculty room and turned around and locked the door. She slowly walked backwards until her back hit the counter in the far wall. Cory's shadow loomed over the floor and he peered into the room. His eyes found Lili's and he started to wiggle the door knob.

"Dumb girl," he laughed. He punched the window and reached down to unlock the door. Lili stood frozen. She didn't think that she has ever been in this much fear. Cory walked in and started to drag his feet towards her.

Lili, using her abilities, picked up a coffee machine and chucked it at Cory. He slapped it down with ease.

She picked up a vase and threw it at him. He hit it away. Lili picked up a chair and rammed it into his chest. She pushed him back until he hit the wall.

"Cory, whatever you've done, whatever you're going to do," Lili was breathing heavily. "It's not you. It's him, he's making you do this!"

"Your little boyfriend turned my life hell," Cory seethed. "Now you're gonna pay for it."

Cory shoved the chair off and threw Lili across the room and onto the couch. She scrambled up and tried to crawl off of it, but Cory yanked her back. She laid on her back as Cory's knee pushed into her chest. She coughed from it and tears slid down her face.

"Cory, please!" Lili coughed. She tried pushing his knee off of her, but he didn't budge. He raised the surgical scissors above his head and was about to plunge them into her heart.

Lili sent a lethal pulse his way, making his neck crack and his head turn the other way. She stood up and grabbed a pipe from under the sink.

Cory was still alive, surprisingly. He peered up at her standing in her ripped swimsuit and bloodied shorts. Her hair was drenched with sweat and the gash on her face oozed blood down her face. Rage filled her eyes as she reeled back her arm with the pipe and hit it across Cory's head, effectively knocking him out.

She heaved a big breath and let the pipe go, listening to it clang against the floor. She wiped the blood from her nose with her tattooed arm, not caring if it smeared.

Suddenly, Cory's body started to move and shake. Lili picked up the pipe again, just in case he was still alive.

Then, the skin on Cory's face melted off and fell to the floor in a red stew. His bones and skin all mixed together and slid out of his clothes, to the door.

Lili watched in horror as it slid underneath the door. She followed, opening the door and watching it slide straight down the hall. There were two other blobs that were sliding down from the 'T' intersection. The three blobs conjoined and mixed together and started to build up.

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