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Almost a month has passed since the Zach incident. He quit and when Cory found out why, he stopped pressuring Lili to do things she didn't want to. Lili now understood why Billy followed her around like a protective dog.

Lili returned to work a few days afterwards and that was normal. Sue was still working at Imperial Panda for her mom, but now it seems like she's living there. Sue can't ever seem to catch a break.

Robin still is scooping ice cream with who she always calls 'Dingus'. AKA, Steve. She's always complaining about how she's bored or how she hates that she still had another year of high school to go.

And, Billy is Billy. He hates everyone except Lili and treats everyone like shit. Except for Lili. She considers herself lucky but if you ask her to be honest, she'd say that she wishes that he didn't treat her so differently. She thinks that it might connect to how people treat her like shit in turn.

It was around noon at the Hawkins Community Pool. Rock This Town was playing on the speakers and Heather was getting down from the other lifeguard chair across from Lili's. Lili could see the housewives squirming in their seats as they tried to beautify themselves. Keyword being 'tried'. They all still looked old.

Then, Billy walked out of the locker room. His sunglasses were on and shading his eyes. He played with his metal lifeguard whistle in his hands as the other one threw a burnt down cigarette away. Even with sunglasses on, Lili knew he was looking at her. Even to this day, his glance made her blush madly. It wouldn't matter if they were married or eighty-something year-olds, he would always make her feel like a typical high school girl.

Suddenly, his eyes flicked to the side. A kid was running across the pool deck. I think the fuck not, Billy thought as he brought his whistle up to his lips and blew.

"Hey, Lard-ass!" The whole pool quietened down dramatically. "No running on my watch! I gotta wake you again and you're banned for life."

Billy raised his finger to the poor kid. "You wanna be banned for life, Lard-ass?"

The kid shook his head no.

"Didn't think so," Billy mumbled. He blew his whistle again and the chaos at the pool resumed. Lili walked over to him with a smile.

"You're so good with kids," she sighed dramatically.

"Shut up before I make you," Billy grinned.

"Make me," Lili taunted. Billy grabbed her waist harshly and pressed his lips to hers. A cough broke them apart.

"Hi Billy," Mrs. Wheeler smiled sweetly at the boy.

"Hi." He looked back at Lili who was glaring harshly at the woman.

"C'mon," Billy grabbed her hand and dragged her to his lifeguard chair. He pushed his sunglasses up and climbed into the chair. Lili stood at the bottom and leaned on the chair.

"You're liking this, aren't you?" Lili laughed.

"Liking what?"

"Yelling at people for being stupid," Lili said.it was her favorite thing to do, at least.

"Definitely," Billy laughed. His fingers unconsciously touched his Saint Christopher necklace. Lili smiled. She touched the necklace that Billy gave her in turn. Everyone thinks that Billy is some sort of brute, but he can be so sweet and caring. If it weren't for the public setting, Lili would've cried just thinking about it.

"Hey," Billy tapped Lili's shoulder. She turned and looked at him. "Tonight, I'll pick you up at that curb and we'll go to a motel. Just for tonight."

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